Today's chat with the dnr in regards to doe tags

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I see Adam Murkowski, big game wildlife biologist is now in Wisconsin. He was the deer biologist in Vermont for about a year and a half. Guess he did not like Vermont. How is he working out in Wisconsin ?
I see Adam Murkowski, big game wildlife biologist is now in Wisconsin. He was the deer biologist in Vermont for about a year and a half. Guess he did not like Vermont. How is he working out in Wisconsin ?
Never heard of him. Does he supervise the county biologists?
I like the dnr telling people, if u want to see more deer, improve your habitat. It's second nature for us, but not the general public.
I liked the reminder that most of northern wi is owned by the federal government, and they control the land. That gets forgotten too.
Yawner. Buy more antlerless tags@ higher costs. Love the response to the wounded doe on private, runs onto public land....Hehe, buy that public land tag or call the warden for help before ending its suffering.

As far as buying that extra public land tag to make that deer legal, good luck trying to get one in a Forest Zone. If you want one of those, you better be on the quick stick to buy one because they are gone in minutes in most counties that have Forest Zone Public land antlerless tags.

Never heard of him. Does he supervise the county biologists?
I like the dnr telling people, if u want to see more deer, improve your habitat. It's second nature for us, but not the general public.
I liked the reminder that most of northern wi is owned by the federal government, and they control the land. That gets forgotten too.

I missed the live chat yesterday, but I read the whole transcript a few hours later once it was posted. That's great for them to be suggesting things like that, it's about time. My reply question would have been, "Who's improving the habitat for the public land hunters?" Not much going on in the way of habitat improvements on any public lands that I am aware of that is strictly going on so public land hunters can see more deer. Understandable, that's just not the way the DNR operates. This is why I question the viability of something like DMAP on public land in the state. DMAP is touted as being able to help landowners improve their habitat and maintain a healthy deer population on their property through the use of DNR personnel site visits and suggestions on what to do to improve their property to benefit whitetail deer and the issuance of discount antlerless tags if the population is too high. Sounds great for the private landowner. Issue is, there aren't any public lands outside of Metro Units that have a gross overpopulation of deer to be issuing discounted tags for, and the DNR will not do anything to improve the habitat specifically for deer to help improve the population, so outside of just completely restricting the number of antlerless deer that could be shot off of a specific public property that was enrolled in DMAP(which limits hunter opportunity even further), what other things are they willing to do? I have inquired with the DNR numerous times on this and I have still not gotten a legitimate response. As far as the Feds go, they are going to do what they want in their own timeframe, so you won't be getting any help from them in the north as dipper stated. This is a huge reason the WI DNR and the County Foresters should be doing everything in their power to improve any and all properties that they have intermixed within the large blocks of Federal landholdings. It's not going to happen, but it needs to happen if they ever want to get the herd back to reasonable numbers north of Hwy 64 and especially in areas north of Hwy 8.
I've been banging that drum for years Whip. Couldn't agree more. The pheasant guys in MN keep getting duped on that as well. The focus is acquisition and tree clearing. Beyond that, they stuff the title in the drawer and move on.
I've been banging that drum for years Whip. Couldn't agree more. The pheasant guys in MN keep getting duped on that as well. The focus is acquisition and tree clearing. Beyond that, they stuff the title in the drawer and move on.
In the areas in northern WI that I was referring to, the acquire(or just use the state/co lands that are already there), clearcut, and walk away method would be just the ticket for the deer herd, given the Feds foot dragging on cutting in the National Forests.
It will be interesting to see what commentary the next chat brings. Tuesday, August 18th at noon. The "deer season forecast/where to hunt" chat session. Should be a good one.
It will be interesting to see what commentary the next chat brings. Tuesday, August 18th at noon. The "deer season forecast/where to hunt" chat session. Should be a good one.
ha, the day after the antlerless tags for the central forest public land sell out in 90 seconds
It was LESS than 30 seconds last year!:mad: Hopefully with the number of tags doubling, it will give a guy another 30 seconds to maybe get one. If it ends up being the same fiasco as last year, you can bet I will be mentioning it during that chat session. I will be pressuring the DNR via the NRB and personal contacts within the CC that I have, to make these limited tag areas into a draw type system like the old Hunter's Choice Permits used to be. With all the technology they have in place now, it should be easier than ever to pull this off. When I have mentioned it thus far, more than one DNR employee has agreed that the way the current system is working is quite unfair to guys who have to be at work at 10am and can't get to a computer or retail sale outlet. Someone even mentioned a similar thing in the chat session.
I do plan on getting my "free" Farmland Antlerless tag for La Crosse Co - Public, so I can use it in the Metro Unit on some open property here in town. The city allows shotguns, handguns, muzzy's, and archery equipment.
A lottery for any unit with less than say 500 tags would be a much better system. A couple public properties I hunt in IL allow less than 100 hunters total for the season. They run a lottery and it's fair.

....this coming from a guy who usually has no issues being logged on at 10am and checking out with my antlerless permit before the time stamp reads 10:02.
I do plan on getting my "free" Farmland Antlerless tag for La Crosse Co - Public, so I can use it in the Metro Unit on some open property here in town. The city allows shotguns, handguns, muzzy's, and archery equipment.
I'm getting mine for Waupaca county private. You never know maybe dipper will be open to a trade. A doe off his place in exchange for a couple pounds of Portillo's beef. Seems like a fair deal to me ;):D
A lottery for any unit with less than say 500 tags would be a much better system. A couple public properties I hunt in IL allow less than 100 hunters total for the season. They run a lottery and it's fair.

....this coming from a guy who usually has no issues being logged on at 10am and checking out with my antlerless permit before the time stamp reads 10:02.
Yup! That's only because you have 4 times as many private land permits to pull from.;) Take 50 or 100 permits and then calculate how many DNR Service centers, Retail outlets(Gander Mtn, WalMart, mom and pop shop's, etc.), and computer users that are right in the Madison area(nearer to the servers) that are hooked into that system, and you have almost no chance of receiving a fair shake at getting a permit. Lottery drawing is the only fair way to go with this. It would be no different than spring turkey permits.
I've been banging that drum for years Whip. Couldn't agree more. The pheasant guys in MN keep getting duped on that as well. The focus is acquisition and tree clearing. Beyond that, they stuff the title in the drawer and move on.
In Minnesota I see some pretty decent management of some county lands and some state forests. Not intense management like we do on private lands, but decent.
National Forest lands, most State wildlife management areas, and the federal waterfowl lands are a disappointment in many cases.
When you mention the pheasants, that is really funny. In WI, the DNR does WAAAYYYY more to manage the pheasant habitat on public grounds in the way of improvements when compared to the non-existent improvements they do for the deer herd.
When you mention the pheasants, that is really funny. In WI, the DNR does WAAAYYYY more to manage the pheasant habitat on public grounds in the way of improvements when compared to the non-existent improvements they do for the deer herd.
And where does the money come from for these projects? Pheasant stamp or deer license funds?
Likely both, but we do have a pheasant stamp, for the mean time at least. There has been some talk of doing away with it and incorporating it as part of a "wildlife" or "conservation" stamp type of thing, which will have to be purchased by every hunter regardless of the species they are chasing. It would not replace the turkey stamp and definitely not the state waterfowl stamp, they would both be mandatory to hunt those species, at least that is the initial talk so far. These changes were brought up because some want to see a ruffed grouse "stamp" to fund only grouse related projects. By making it all inclusive, they can allocate money to whatever habitat projects or species specific projects they want to use it for, and when 550,000+ deer hunters are paying $5.25 for a stamp, that leaves a lot of money to put in grouse habitat over the meager amounts they would generate from only the grouse hunters in the state.
And generating ruffed grouse habitat is often good for the deer.
I liked the reminder that most of northern wi is owned by the federal government, and they control the land. That gets forgotten too.

Good point. I got a call from the DNR Forester when the Golden Winged Wabler grant money came out because he recalled I had a tag alder swamp when we did my MFL plan. The property line cuts the swamp almost in half and when we walked it this spring, he said if I did qualify, they couldn't touch the 1/2 that is in the Nicolet. It amazed me that they had so little control of what happens on those lands.