I’ll try to pull this back to the OP’s honest attempt to discuss a policy.
As we’ve seen, everyone’s experience even within the Northland is different and I’m not saying wolves are the only problem. Other predators, strings of hard winters, and mature forests have all been mentioned.
This proposed legislation is probably the perfect thing to do in some areas. I honestly believe that. But in areas like mine, older age class bucks are nearly nonexistent now. More buck exploitation makes that worse imo.
Our doe population is already hanging on by a thread with essentially zero legal harvest in the last 10 years+.
So, I just don’t see how not doing something we aren’t doing anyway (killing does) increases fawn survival and carry over….resulting in an overall increased population.
We all know where any “surplus” goes in my neck of the woods. YMMV.
Edit: if “open season” in Ontario means an expensive non-resident tag plus screwing around with a CITES tag to get it across the border, then yup, it’s open season.
Residents up there can whack them at will and some do, but they don’t even dent the population unless trapping is employed. Again IMO