Tick protection

Good read, I just pulled one of the little bastards off of my head this afternoon!
On my lab frontline was like dessert for ticks and wouldn't stay on more than a couple days after jumping in and out of the horse tank.I use a chew chew from the vet that is a once every 90 days and it works great.Also works on fleas.I bet we found 15 ticks yesterday but none had attached yet.I have had lyme twice and rocky mountain once,daughter lyme once,wife lyme once.I have some bad a$$ ticks and would crop dust my farm if I could find something to kill them.Believe it or not but there are even worse diseases than lyme.Bourbon county is one and then the other that makes it where you can't eat red meat.
I have some kind of reactive arthritis that started in my early 30s.

I have something similar that started about 15 years ago. I get really stiff and "stove up" after being stationary for a short period. Worse after physical work - ie after working all day at the farm then driving 1.5 hours home, I can barely get out of the truck. It takes several minutes of shuffling like an old man before things "work right" again. I am positive for HLA-B27 antigen which makes me more prone to a autoimmune disease, but doctors just seem to shrug their shoulders and tell me to take Advil. I questioned the tick connection but it was ignored as lyme is very uncommon in MO even now, let alone 15 years ago. What other tests have you done, Jack?

back to topic - finally got around to buying the permithrin concentrate to make my own clothing spray.
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I have something similar that started about 15 years ago. I get really stiff and "stove up" after being stationary for a short period. Worse after physical work - ie after working all day at the farm then driving 1.5 hours home, I can barely get out of the truck. It takes several minutes of shuffling like an old man before things "work right" again. I am positive for HLA-B27 antigen which makes me more prone to a autoimmune disease, but doctors just seem to shrug their shoulders and tell me to take Advil. I questioned the tick connection but it was ignored as lyme is very uncommon in MO even now, let alone 15 years ago. What other tests have you done, Jack?

back to topic - finally got around to buying the permithrin concentrate to make my own clothing spray.

Back when it first hit, they did a bunch of testing. It was a titer and western blot for lyme. They sent me to an infectious disease specialist who came up empty. Eventually I went to a rheumatologist. The differential was psoriatic arthritis, lyme disease, or some other form of reactive arthritis. It seems they pretty much manage them all the same with NSAIDs to start and eventually immunosuppressants. Thank goodness for Celebrex. They rotated NSAIDs for quite a while to minimize stomach issues, but I've been able to use Celebrex pretty effectively for a long-time. I'm trying to avoid the immunosuppressants as long as I possibly can.

