I'm telling you that if you don't till your soil and kill all of the bacteria and fungi living in it, that soil biology will find P and K in your soil no matter what your soil test says. You can help.them by planting deep rooted crops like red clover, winter rye, and sunflowers.
Air is made up of 78% nitrogen, and both plants and soil biology can absorb it from the air in your soil. How any farm service can keep a straight face while selling nitrogen amazes me. It's like paying for bottled water.
The farmer across the road from me plows, and discs, and cultivates, and cultipacks, and limes, and fertilizes year after year, rotating between corn and soybeans, and his soil is still sandy orange crap. Mine was the same when I bought it. I grow red and white clover, buckwheat, sunflowers, radish, turnips, and winter rye, always using the throw and mow method, and now I have 3-4 inches of dark rich soil on top.
Soil can regenerate itself if given the tools.