The Throw n’ Mow Method

had a caffein molecule bump into an unused brain cell today, result? why go through the trouble of a roller to knock stuff down, why not drag a weighted flat sled? Say 8 foot wide, 4 foot deep, like a sheet of plywood with a few logs strapped to the top, dragged with a chain, flatten out whatever it runs over.
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had a caffein molecule bump into an unused brain cell today, result? why go through the trouble of a roller to knock stuff down, why not drag a weighted flat sled? Say 8 foot wide, 4 foot deep, like a sheet of plywood with a few logs strapped to the top, dragged with a chain, flatten out whatever it runs over.
That may actually work a little better than rolling?? IDK.
I'm thinking a roller just lays stuff down and a percentage may spring back up slightly. But a drag would have more of a tearing or mulching effect.
I like the idea...not sure if I'm right, but I like it...interesting to experiment with it.
I already have my TnM done for now. I may have some limited fall planting and I can try a drag then.

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Fifty percent of my bean plot didn't get rolled, pressed, dragged, or mowed... and those rows are doing every bit as good as what I did role.

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Got my brassicas in the last couple days.






Another plot.

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A couple weeks ago I sprayed a couple of weedy patches in my orchard plot. A grassy area near my bowstand was sprayed with cleth, and then I broadcasted 10 lbs Eagle seed soybeans. If they do anything at all it'll be icing on the cake. A patch of knapweed was sprayed with 2-4, db, and then I broadcasted buckwheat.

A week later I got back there to mow it. All I have is my riding lawn mower, and it was a bear to get through. Several times the mower would spin it's wheels and I would have to back up and hit it running to get through. Some areas it was because the red clover was so thick, other areas due to yellow sweet clover being 6 foot tall. After mowing it looked like this.
Went back this week and mowed it a second time, across the grain.
Found some soybeans growing.
Brassicas going in this weekend. My Rye did not do so well and I think it's because I did not spray last year after I broadcast. I thought I might be far enough along with my Rye that the seeds would get going but I think I opened up the canopy for weeds. Will not make that mistake this year. Plan is to get Brassicas in, roll the weeds and Rye, spray, and then in mid August broadcast 60lbs of Rye.

Got my Brassicas in and some Buckwheat in my RCG Experiment plot. Then it stormed last night.:emoji_ok_hand: Supposed to get another inch of rain on Wednesday so I guess I need to get the rest of my LC plots in.

I'm a little late this year but the good new is we got more rain last night on my fresh seeds :emoji_metal:
Got in the brassica plots yesterday ahead of the rain. Ended up getting .53 last night.
Sprayed about 2 weeks ago, rolled with a drag, didnt work the best.
Mix of radish, turnip, winfred, rape, winter pea, cowpeas, sunflower.
Kinda nervous there might be to much rye thatch in spots.
Got in the brassica plots yesterday ahead of the rain. Ended up getting .53 last night.
Sprayed about 2 weeks ago, rolled with a drag, didnt work the best.
Mix of radish, turnip, winfred, rape, winter pea, cowpeas, sunflower.
Kinda nervous there might be to much rye thatch in spots.
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I think you'll be alright, here's some pics from a few years ago in a plot I thought had way too much thatch but it all worked out.






At what rate was the rye seeded at Trampled and Scott?
At what rate was the rye seeded at Trampled and Scott?
about 60#/acre, mine's not all rye there's quite a bit of grass in there.
Was that straight rye or were clovers and/or brassicas added?
Was that straight rye or were clovers and/or brassicas added?
It was the Dbltree cereal grain mix planted the fall before, 60# rye, 50#oats,15# sunflowers,15#peas, 10# med red clover, 10# crimson clover, 5# hairy vetch, 5#radishes
Thanks for the info. I planted some triticale, peas and sunflowers this year with little success. Frost warnings in June did not help much. At least we finally got a little rain in the last couple of days.
Thanks for the info. I planted some triticale, peas and sunflowers this year with little success. Frost warnings in June did not help much. At least we finally got a little rain in the last couple of days.
A little rain would be nice for a change. We have been getting a lot of rain every week since the snow melted. I've only gone trout fishing once this year. It just keeps raining and raining.
I plant it 1.0 soybeans on June 1st. I had good emergence what did not spray the Young lambs quarters and now a lot of it is almost 4 feet high. I want to overseed brassica so would it be best to spray and then wait several days end broadcast or am I better off broadcasting and then follow up with spray thanks.