The Throw n’ Mow Method

I planted my sorghum mix yesterday TnM style.






Very nice. It doesn't look like you sprayed any herbicide, right? Also, what do you have in that mix? I'm always flirting with new blends. I'm hoping to have that kind of cover to plant into this fall and next spring.
Very nice. It doesn't look like you sprayed any herbicide, right? Also, what do you have in that mix? I'm always flirting with new blends. I'm hoping to have that kind of cover to plant into this fall and next spring.
I upped the seeding rate last year to try and get more thatch this year and it seems to have worked, I had some grasses there but I haven't sprayed for 3yrs on this plot, if the grasses get to bad I will spray. The mix started a couple years ago with some left over seed and it's grown from there, there's E-wheat, sorghum sudan, a couple types of millet, sunflowers, peas, soys, oats, rye, hairy vetch, red clover and I'm sure there's more but I can't remember.
looks like a bag of wild bird food............
looks like a bag of wild bird food............
I guess it does, I didn't buy it that way but I guess a guy could. The sunflowers are bird seed.
I planted my sorghum mix yesterday TnM style.






I will be following this Scott. I am north of you and still am getting frost warnings.
Cimson clover blooming now. Didn't plant any this spring. 20190606_082331.jpg
OK, So I have a customer, money isn't an issue. I rented a 65 hp tracked skid steer last year with a tooth bucket. Planted Winter rye, Purple tops, and med red clover. came up pretty good, better where it got more sun of course. Looked at it yesterday to figure out what to do with it for this season. Man I am tempted to try throw and mow/ or light disc and throw. I would do the same mix in hopes to thicken the clover, and the rest to provide fall winter food. about 3 acres in total. mloy plot 1.jpgmloy plot 2.jpgmloy plot 3.jpg
no opinions on the throw and mow readiness of these? I do need to at the least spot spray some woodier annoyances, mfr and jap barberry for two, as for weeds, there is violet, smartweed, some grasses, nothing a 1.5 oz per gallon wouldn't kill except for the woodies, spot spray at 3 oz gall?
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no opinions on the throw and mow readiness of these? I do need to at the least spot spray some woodier annoyances, mfr and jap barberry for two, as for weeds, there is violet, smartweed, some grasses, nothing a 1.5 oz per gallon wouldn't kill except for the woodies, spot spray at 3 oz gall?
I think I would lightly disc it it just doesn't look like enough thatch to cover the seed for long.
no opinions on the throw and mow readiness of these? I do need to at the least spot spray some woodier annoyances, mfr and jap barberry for two, as for weeds, there is violet, smartweed, some grasses, nothing a 1.5 oz per gallon wouldn't kill except for the woodies, spot spray at 3 oz gall?
Fall planted clover won’t thicken up until the following Spring. If you are going back over it with more WR then I’d throw and mow that. Kill off everything with a good spray, broadcast seed, mow, and walk away. If you are worried about good coverage because of the amount of vegetation just broadcast a second time with Winter Rye 2 weeks after the initial seeding.
thanks guys, that was cleared and seeded last late summer. with rye, ptt and med red clover. so about 9 months ago.
How much sunlight does that field get? It may be tough to thicken without full sun.

If you wait til your red clover flowers and produces seed before mowing that will help thicken it up too. My plot was about like that, but weedier, a couple years ago. All I do now is broadcast rye every Labor Day and mow after my clovers make seed and it's super thick now.
looks like your clover is crimson, mine is medium red, perennial vs annual so a different look.

those areas get partial sun, lots of tulip poplar around, but patchy open areas so at some point all of it gets some sun.
Yes those blooms are crimson clover. The clover that isn't blooming yet is medium red, which is probably 85% of it.
I am having the slowest, coldest "spring" ever. No heat, no rain, no growth.
Hit my plot with some GRO liquid fertilizer yesterday. Clovers are 12-14” tall already. Chicory is coming in pretty well also
Hit my plot with some GRO liquid fertilizer yesterday. Clovers are 12-14” tall already. Chicory is coming in pretty well also
I'm learning still. What's GRO?
Grandpa Ray's Outdoors
I've had great luck spring planting clover in brassica plots from the year before.