The Throw n’ Mow Method

This throw and mow plot of mine just continues to impress me. I took this photo today at lunch. Today is just shy of 5 weeks. It is thickening up and the tubes are developing nicely.

Various TnM plots are making huge jumps in growth.

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Exclusion cage starting to show grazing pressure. Buckwheat seems to be getting hit the hardest right now.

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Various TnM plots are making huge jumps in growth.

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WOW.....looks great...what I notice in alot of the T-N-M plots, including my first attempt this fall, is how thick it comes in...for the amount of work you put into's pretty darn impressive...Alan
This one was more like mow and grow, all volunteer buckwheat, and awp that reseeded, for some reason deer don't hammer awp here like i hear they do everywhere else, but i keep planting it hoping they start to like it.

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Man, these plots are beautiful...

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I'm jealous as he**! My plots are just dead thatch with seed under it(i hope anyway). We haven't had any significant rainfall in 2 months. Dry as the surface of the moon here.
Just shy of 8 weeks from planting. Almost knee deep every place. Tubes are nice. Leaves are big and full.

My seed still in dry ground also. Zero rain in October. Best chance for rain on the 15 day forecast is 40% next Wednesday. Yesterday broke the all time record high temperature for 2 November at 10:30 a.m.

Just shy of 8 weeks from planting. Almost knee deep every place. Tubes are nice. Leaves are big and full.

Looks great! Lots of deer chow. This warm fall has certainly given us a bit longer growing season than I anticipated.
Here's a pic of out throw and mow, still getting used quite a bit. Date is right but time is off.

My seed still in dry ground also. Zero rain in October. Best chance for rain on the 15 day forecast is 40% next Wednesday. Yesterday broke the all time record high temperature for 2 November at 10:30 a.m.

How is that plot doing now ?
It hasn't rained here in south Alabama in the last 2 months. It's ugly down here fellas.
TnM making great tonnage in late November!.

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I would slow boil that brassica with carrots,onion,celery,bacon,and deer sausage, and some garlic

Cornbread and Coors Lite and you are good to go

I would slow boil that brassica with carrots,onion,celery,bacon,and deer sausage, and some garlic

Cornbread and Coors Lite and you are good to go

Oh man, that sounds good! Probably won't have much need to cook for a few days but I do have a backstrap marinating... Homegrown deer and greens.

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My seed still in dry ground also. Zero rain in October. Best chance for rain on the 15 day forecast is 40% next Wednesday. Yesterday broke the all time record high temperature for 2 November at 10:30 a.m.

My lease is in south MS and we've had an extremely dry fall as well. My Imperial Whitetail Bowstand blend us growing but not like it would if we were getting normal rain fall levels.

Side note: you're profile says that you live in River Ridge. So do I, on the corner of Sparrow and Midway. Stop by and say hello if you ever pass this way

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I didn't get too many in plot pictures of the the plots in the ROW as I didn't want to disturb them too much during opening weekend of the gun season here in Hoosier-ville. But the "first plot" has filled in nicely!! Mostly rye, rape, clover with a sprinkle of some radish and turnips.

The plots in the ROW are getting used quite a bit. The "failure" plot rye finally got off the ground and is spotty, but growing enough to entice deer to come in for a nibble. First buck ever for this guy at 30yds in the rye!

Well I finally made it back down to the cabin for youth season this weekend and got a chance to see how things have progressed since the last update. Things are mostly going well, but Mother Nature really needs to give me a hand. It's been quite dry down that way since I seeded stuff on Labor Day weekend. The first plot below is doing pretty well and I think will make a nice plot once it gets some moisture. The WR and clover have sprouted and I think will fill in nicely! This plot was lightly disced, broadcast, cultipacked, clover broadcast, recultipacked 3 weeks ago.

The "Hunt Plot" has not done much at all... It gets the most sun and is therefore a bit drier, so I think that's part of it. This one had WR broadcast into TALL mostly broadleaf weeds that were then cultipacked and sprayed. Here's my son at the edge of the plot. He's right at 5' in boots to give everyone some perspective of how tall the vegetation was prior.

As you can see, not much growing here yet...

Some of the seed is still laying there ready to go. I think with some moisture this one might still make something. They are calling for up to an inch total of rain over the next 6 days, so I took a chance and spread another 15# WR and 20# of forage oats as I them just laying around. And I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Lots going on underneath the tall weeds!!! What I wouldn't give to have a mower at my disposal...

My second Throw-Roll-Spray plot is doing a bit better! Prior it look the same to me as the "failure", but I took a chance and spread some clover on it with the WR. It was then packed and sprayed.

The last throw, roll, and spray plot was seeded with buckwheat back on Memorial Day, so I am getting a flush of young BW seedlings. There is some WR underneath all of it that I think will take off with some moisture and after a first frost.

All in all I'm somewhat pleased with the results on all but the one plot and that's the one that we hunt over!! I think with some moisture they will take off. This winter I plan on pulling some soil samples and getting better and properly amending the soil. I did learn this year that both buckwheat and WR are pretty easy to grow. Due to the distance of the place from home and limits on my time, I can see me making those a big, big part of my future plans.