The Sandbox

Shooting lane for the deer stand.

I may try some rye/oats in here and hope herbicide carryover is not too great. Maybe will plant a rub tree.

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Got the tree in place . Sprayed a strip with roundup. Now I need to see what the carryover is from the initial spraying.

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I put a small patch of rye here. Time will tell on the carryover.

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Bur - 2nd pic didn't show on here.
Invasive, non natives are moving in. I long for the good old days when they weren’t in this part of the state.

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I would sure take those off your hands! The state re-introduced them here in small numbers about fifteen years ago so we get some around but not a lot...I think we have to much ag in my county for them to really thrive well.
Gophers moved into the orchard ( and the garden).

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Man - that looks like a miniature ground hog to me! I can't say I have ever had issues with gophers....voles, ground hogs and moles....but not any gophers.....and I don't want don't even offer!

Looks like they could do a number on a root system.
Dang! They look like a rat with mega claws...I've never seen one either.

On a side note; your dirt looks great...very loamy.
You squared that gopher up in that trap. Nice work.
Dang! They look like a rat with mega claws...I've never seen one either.

On a side note; your dirt looks great...very loamy.

I have black sand towards the lower areas and the trees seem to do well there.

As to gophers, we have had them chew off Norway(red) Pine below the ground. A nice , 6 foot tree begins to tip and you can walk over and lift it out of the ground with no roots left but a stub.
He did get to my one apple tree but it seems like only one side and I could not pull it out of the ground. So there is hope.

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Sandbur you can’t trap them,those are your college mascot isn’t that illegal in Minnesota :emoji_smiley:
Sandbur you can’t trap them,those are your college mascot isn’t that illegal in Minnesota :emoji_smiley:

Wrong. The Minnesota Gopher is commonly called a striped gopher and is actually the thirteen lined ground squirrel.

These pocket gophers live entirely under ground.

I know you were kidding!

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First night on stand with the bow. All quiet except for turkeys.

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I told my daughter that she needs to practice dragging her little ones out, so she can drag my big one out later in season.

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I like your idea of little ones !!! ^^^^^ Your habitat work seems to be paying off, Bur.

I love those pix from your last post in the bow stand. Nothing like the North woods !!
I like your idea of little ones !!! ^^^^^ Your habitat work seems to be paying off, Bur.

I love those pix from your last post in the bow stand. Nothing like the North woods !!

My daughter got her buck here in farm country where we live. The north country is much prettier and has a few more deer as compared to home. Deer tend to run larger in the farm country. I would say they run 20 pounds heavier for the same age group.

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I told my daughter that she needs to practice dragging her little ones out, so she can drag my big one out later in season.

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That is a great pic.
Feathered rats are out and about.

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^^^^^ Look for twice that number next summer. They love eating bugs in ag crops, clover, alfalfa, oats, etc.
Starting to be lots of turkeys by my land north of Remer, MN too. I dont hunt birds, but I prefer grouse. Did you guys shoot any deer Art?