The Answer to tresspassers :)

Love it!

The comments are humorous too. Mainly because land owners have no duty to the safety of anyone committing a crime on their property. You were warned to keep out.
So You could set some Viet Nam type booby traps that maim and kill people and the law covers You?

Should be able to. There'd be a lot more respect in the world. :D
Intent. ;)

If I intend to maim someone, that's illegal. If someone gets harmed by something they shouldn't have been doing - no intent: no crime.
Actually, it's no different than the sanctity of my home. Don't come into my land with a weapon. You'll find yourself face first in the dirt spread eagle waiting for the police.
Novemberforever your wound up tighter than my garage door spring! Thats funny stuff staged or not. If that didn't make you chuckle something is wrong! Would I do it Na not me but I laugh at allot of things other idiots do.
Wearing a costume and posessing a hunting license doesn't give you the right to occupy my private property.
As to the original post - it'd be viewed as a prank in the eyes of the law. Unless there was malace (intent to cause harm), it would be impossible to successfully sue the land owner.

In MN, you cannot sue the land owner when injuries result from an illegal act. Trespassing is a statutory offense, and as such places the protections of the law with the owner.

I've gone to lengths to ensure no one "gets lost" and winds up in my property. If you disregard that, you deal with me.
As to the original post - it'd be viewed as a prank in the eyes of the law. Unless there was malace (intent to cause harm), it would be impossible to successfully sue the land owner.

In MN, you cannot sue the land owner when injuries result from an illegal act. Trespassing is a statutory offense, and as such places the protections of the law with the owner.

I've gone to lengths to ensure no one "gets lost" and winds up in my property. If you disregard that, you deal with me.

Tell that to the retired security guy from Little Falls that "ambushed" the young intruders at his home. They were breaking in to get drugs and clearly broke the he's in the grey-bar hotel for the rest of his life. Regarding the trespasser......I agree with's just deer folks.
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Hey what's a little paint amongst friends? I think its a funny video, would have been awesome if the guy would have shouted a curse word or 2 and fell over backwards.
Watched the video and in my opinion it was totally staged. What kind of paintball gun lets out a bang like that. I also agree that you would be opening yourself up for a lawsuit if you tried something like this.
I bet he stained his shorts and I'll leave it at that.
Watched the video and in my opinion it was totally staged. What kind of paintball gun lets out a bang like that. I also agree that you would be opening yourself up for a lawsuit if you tried something like this.
Its a paint bomb not a gun. They are used all the time among paint ballers in matches etc...
Completely agree with NF. Thank god that that guy didn't get hurt. And for the record... in paintball.. YOU ARE REQUIRED to wear protective eye wear and a face mask. A paintball pellet to the socket of an eye will stop when it hits the back of your brain. I am not justifying the trespasser but this is a deer not worth a person's father, brother, uncle, son, or grandfather. I agree on DD also.. completely useless piece of TP.
Tell that to the retired security guy from Little Falls that "ambushed" the young intruders at his home. They were breaking in to get drugs and clearly broke the he's in the grey-bar hotel for the rest of his life. Regarding the trespasser......I agree with's just deer folks.

His lawyer sucked. It's not possible to ambush someone who has no reasonable expectation to be there. Doors were locked, so a crime had to be committed to encounter Smith.

Had he let them both bleed out waiting for the police, he'd be a free man.

Paint grenade is funny for a trespasser. I'm not going to do them, but I'd have no problem defending any incidental damages incurred.

Did the guy have permission from his doctor to trespass where he might encounter resistance from the rightful owner? No? Ok, then I'm off the hook for his heart condition accidental death. ;)
Tell that to the retired security guy from Little Falls that "ambushed" the young intruders at his home. They were breaking in to get drugs and clearly broke the he's in the grey-bar hotel for the rest of his life. Regarding the trespasser......I agree with's just deer folks.

Mr. Smiths problem was he was not defending himself, had he been the out come may have been different.
Cameras should be enough, and then warn the guy that he will be turned in if he walks on the property again.
EOB Tks for posting A follow up! Well that nips the hole staged thing in the butt ehh.. Hopefully nobody gets charged in this an they both learn a lesson.
Mr. Smiths problem was he was not defending himself, had he been the out come may have been different.
His problem was recording it. This was on dateline last week. The whole show I said no way he is guilty. Then they played the tape.