Hi there crazyed.
If you're the same person as taper crazyed then I think i've met you either at TLG or something else (RRE/WSP)
Anyway, small world. I've got a place one county to the west of you and am going to start planting this spring I hope, my first apple trees ever.
I've read your posts here and at qdma (you are quite prolific) because you are in the same climate and soil conditions as I am looking to plant in.
A few questions if I may:
1. b118 - you are very staunch supporter of this rootstock. What leads you to this?
2. One local place I'm interested in is Paint Creek:
http://www.paintcreeknursery.com/pc_pricelist_new.pdf All of their apples look to be on m-7. Anybody have any experience with either m-7 in cold climate, or paint creek in particular?
3. On your window screen protection - it looks like you staple the top (horizontal) of your mini-bags too? Do you sneak the top of the central leader through a hole in the top, and bury the bottom beneath the pea gravel?
4. From your QDMA 2012 tree order thread - any regrets/changes? You initially planned a 75'x75' block fence enclosure 8' high and add 25 fruit trees - but went to cages, I'm assuming because of $$? Have your cages been effective at keeping the deer out?
Anyway, I'm going to be following some of your planning for my own plots. Put another way, lets say I have $1500 I'm willing to spend this year on putting in 2-3 spatially separated apple plots that I will be using for both hunting and personal apple consumption. I would like variety not within only apple varieties but also crabs, and maybe plums/pears. Realizing that $500 will be for protection (fencing/window screen etc.), that leaves $1k for trees.
cummins has these for order on b-118
Black Oxford Detail B.118 1
Bramleys Seedling Detail B.118 5
Enterprise Detail B.118 1
Golden Russet Detail B.118 20
Honeycrisp Detail B.118 42
Liberty Detail B.118 2
Puget Spice (WSU AxP Crab) Detail B.118 10
Redfield Detail B.118 19
Roxbury Russet Detail B.118 21
Spitzenburg Esopus Detail B.118 15
wallace woodstock has these in BIGGER, XL and XXL, thinking of a few of these as well.
Beacon, Connell Red, Duchess, Fireside, Gravenstein, Honeygold, McIntosh, Norland,
N.W. Greening, Red Baron, Red Regent, Snowsweet, Wealthy & Zestar
BIGGER TREES are Priced @ $ 32.00 Each, X-LARGE TREES @ $ 38.00, XX-LARGE TREES @ $ 44.00 each
Anyway, cheers.