Stump shredder project

Thanks Mike!

I'm looking forward to removing a buttload of stumps. :)
Nice work Jim! Looks pretty stout. Anxious to see how it works for you too. :)

Getting the stumps out of my land was the single biggest improvement I could have made to my property. At one time.....I could hardly turn a wheel without getting hung up on some old stump.'s like butta'h. :)
Finishing touches on some minor details, and she's ready to paint.
Looking good Jim! Have you considered getting it powdercoated? Will you be blasting it before paint?
I welded all the seams so that there's no way to rust inside the weld cavities. Blasting would be nice (I have a 2# spot blaster that'd work, but take me another week to finish), but it's not in the cards nor is powder coating. She's a tool and just going to get paint and put to work.

Foggy, I have lots of old stumps from when my place was logged, but they all come out of the ground with little effort now. :D Filling the craters is more like it on those. I need to cut a rifle range, house site, shop site, clear the stumps from my garden, food plots, driveway, etc. It's a big list. Some of it will possibly involve a dozer, but being able to open up a trail without dodging trees will be nice.
To me.....a dozer just adds more work.....compared to logging and grinding the stumps. Of course, that rehires the proper equipment (either method does). It'll be interesting to hear your take.
Also, grinding the stumps in place will spread the OM and P and K onto larger areas instead of concentrating them in an area where they are piled up to rot after dozing them out.
Dozing them out dozing or digging them out has it's advantages. When I dug mine out I lined the edge of the plot with them and all the tops. Hinged a few here and there and you can control the entry/exit points.
Each project has it's own challenges and goals. Being able to grind out stumps whenever needed is better than needing to hire equipment to come in to dig them and schedule it all to make good use of the rental or contractor.

Pushing up a wall of stumps on the rifle range would be a benefit - it's along the inside of Shrub Henge. I'll also probably want to doze that strip just to level it out some in the lows.

I'm really looking forward to just working on clearing my driveway and some access roads. Too many big bumps to get a truck in there now. :)
I'm sure you'll be happy with your grinder and get lots of use from it. You never know maybe you can make a few $$$$ on the side with it.
There's plenty of stumps just along the beach road leading into my place. It's possible I can get it paid for by doing $100 stumps and never leaving the 'hood.

I'll need an insurance policy for that though.
Been starting assembly and giving the red Loctite time to cure before putting it into service.


Paint's good enough for the road trip (it'll need touchup by the time it arrives at my place up North). When we get home from the fair, the Mrs. is going to help load it in the trailer, then I'll continue with the assembly there.
Looking great! Can't wait to see it assembled and action shots.

I should mention, I have the tin for the side shield on the open side of the wheel. I just haven't decided if I'm going to add it or not. It really depends how much this sucker spits out everywhere if adding that cover is necessary. It's not like I'll let anyone anywhere near it when it's in use, so there's no threat of someone getting eaten.
Are you spitting debris away from the tractor? If so, I don't think you need much shielding.
Yep, she's spinning under and out.
You got some talent Jim.
Needs hoses and the teeth installed.


Nice touch with the aluminum diamond plate. Not that it's welded but do you do much aluminum welding?
The clutch cover is made out of 5 pieces - all welded. :)

I don't weld much aluminum, but I do weld it when I need to.
The clutch cover is made out of 5 pieces - all welded. :)

I don't weld much aluminum, but I do weld it when I need to.
I am assuming TIG?