Stark Bros Sale

Victor Van Meter

5 year old buck +
Seems like some pretty good prices on trees, plus free shipping. I picked up another Arkansas Black and Granny Smith.

My problem with stark is they generally don’t tell you (or know) what rootstock the tree is on. I have a handful of “semi-dwarf” trees that I wish I had on M111 that are kind of runts. I want big impressive trees that I can topwork if needed. They do have some offerings on standard rootstock.

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No comment on their trees, but I bought some asparagus crowns from them this year, as opposed to the small nurseries all the other times, and they have grown extremely well. Nearly 100% success from what I can tell. They were cheaper also. I'll do it again next year.
My problem with stark is they generally don’t tell you (or know) what rootstock the tree is on. I have a handful of “semi-dwarf” trees that I wish I had on M111 that are kind of runts. I want big impressive trees that I can topwork if needed. They do have some offerings on standard rootstock.

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That's exactly why I won't buy apple trees from them - no matter how big the sale. I would be fine with blackberries, blueberries, etc. but no apples.

Their answer when I have asked = We appreciate you reaching out to us. We use several different rootstocks, depending upon the desired result and what is available. For that reason, we're unable to guarantee a specific rootstock.
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Thanks for the heads up. Ordered a couple of WineCrisp (XL semi-dwarf) for $18/tree.
I also tried to get rootstock info, but no go. I will say I have hade great success with their Chesnut crab apple.
Bought arkansas black from them ladt year. Its doing well. Had a saturn peach die, thry gave me a refund. Bought a macoun with the refund.
Thanks a lot! I just spent $225. 😆
I get 2 to 3 notices /day from stark bros. about sales

I picked up a Golden Russet apple for $18.16 with free shipping. Last apple I needed for my future cider collection. No idea about rootstock, but it said it was a semi dwarf. LOL.
I’ve always loved their trees. The last few years I’ve had less success and actually considered a few other nurseries because of it. I did just order from cold creek and Arbor Day foundation.

The apples I have from Stark that have made it - all look amazing at year 2+.

$18.16 each and free shipping sucked me in. I picked up a Liberty, Arkansas Black, Winesap, and Redhaven peach. When they arrived, the packing was minimal and the roots were kind of dry. I stuck them in a bucket of water for a few days before planting. Time will tell.
$18.16 each and free shipping sucked me in. I picked up a Liberty, Arkansas Black, Winesap, and Redhaven peach. When they arrived, the packing was minimal and the roots were kind of dry. I stuck them in a bucket of water for a few days before planting. Time will tell.
I would agree, my packaging was less than adequate. My roots thankfully were not dry, but they definitely could have had considerably more wet, shredded paper on the roots.
Darn you guys and talking me into another tree..had to replace a vole-chewed Wolf River with a cheap Winesap…

both my saturn peaches from stark have peach leaf curl. Sometimes called peach blister. Doing some reading into what fungicides are good for it. Once they have it for the year, not much you can do until next winter / early spring. You find a good article or fungicide to treat them, let me know.

Some places do winter maintenance on the trees like needed sprays, some places don't Saturn cuts corners here n there.

Should have read the my winesap on Monday it had some small leaves starting and had a little bit of shredded paper that was slightly wet but had some how made it about half way up the tree en route..wet the roots and gave it 5 gallons when I put it in the ground yesterday..not real high hopes but oh well at least it wasn’t too pricey..
Should have read the my winesap on Monday it had some small leaves starting and had a little bit of shredded paper that was slightly wet but had some how made it about half way up the tree en route..wet the roots and gave it 5 gallons when I put it in the ground yesterday..not real high hopes but oh well at least it wasn’t too pricey..

Are the sale trees not guaranteed?
Are the sale trees not guaranteed?
I do not know I think the guarantee would still be I wffect, but if this tree makes it I will be surprised..hoping for some rain rather than against it this weekend
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