Triclopyr 4 for basal spraying

Alliagare basal oil. I tested this at home maybe a year ago using a small squirt bottle on a problematic tree in my yard. It worked as expected. I'm not sure why putting it into my Birchmeier caused a problem. Only things I can think of would be temperature or something residual in the tank that it doesn't like. It seems slightly thicker than it should be in the tank. I'm going to drain it in the next day or so to look closer at it.
Yeah that’s weird. Sorry my man
I would be suspicious of residual in tank as the problem

Any idea what was in the tank?

I would be suspicious of residual in tank as the problem

Any idea what was in the tank?

Possible Bonide Fruit Tree spray
I cleaned the tank out of the oil/gel mess. It seems like what was in the tank was mostly the correct consistency, but what was possibly in the pump and tubing caused the problem. What's everyone using to clean their sprayer? Guessing something different for water vs oil sprays. Thanks!
I use Dawn dishwashing detergent and hot water. I run a tank of that through the whole length of tubing and the nozzle, followed by 2 tanks of plain water for a good rinse. Dawn will cut any oil / grease like it does with dishes, and with a water-based herbicide use, it won't hurt anything anyway. I run full tanks of hot water / Dawn through, and full tanks of plain water for rinsing.