Savage model 11 in .243 win pre accutrigger


5 year old buck +
I found one and I'm looking to buy it for my kids starter rifle. It's used obviously, looks brand new yet. My question is have any of you heard of problems with this rifle? Anything I should look for as far as problems? It is at a gun repair/dealer shop in Northeast Wisconsin, they have new and used guns, I would think they have gone through it. Anyone have problems with buying a used rifle? Thanks for any input!
They're good rifles. Had a 110 in 30-06. I'd check the usual stuff. Magazine lips feed the ammo good. Check spent cartridges for shape with a sizing die check primer dent. IF you can get a hand on go no go gauges even better. Verify safety operates. I remove the scope and put a empty case with a fresh primer in the gun and bang it on the ground a bit, but not too roughly. General old gun maintenance, clean firing pin channel and parts that don't get normally cleaned. Like cleaning and oiling the trigger. I like to put wood sealer on the inside of the stock. Snug up and loose gun swivel bolts.

Even though the gun has less recoil, stock fit is still important. When my 5'3" wife shot a shorter length of pull gun for the first time, she knew right away what stock fit means. Older guns with recoil pads harden over time. IF possible replace the recoil pad. Old wood can shift things at times, check clearance with safety, magazine, and check stock lugs fit well in the stock. Check wood for signs of cracking. You can stabilize wood with a touch of epoxy, or clean up the cause of it such as interference. IF gun came with rings, make sure they contact the gun properly. They grab on the sides and dont touch on the top of the base. Sometimes you can find stock length of springs, like the firing pin spring, sear, and safety springs.

Some gun have issues with roll pin wear, I can't recall savage actions having them. That would more be a well used rifle anyways.
Great rifles. I would ask questions. Why is the owner selling it? Has the shop gone through it? Have they shot it?

It's not easy to really screw up a good rifle, but it can be done. I've abused the hell out of my Weatherby (not intentionally, but hunting extensively in rainy mountains does that), but it still shoots great and does what I need it to do.

If the one you are looking at seems to be in good condition, I'd probably just ask the shop to scope the bore and then take a chance on it if everything checks out.
These are great rifles. Echoing thee comments above, three things to consider are:
1) Fit. If this is for the kids, stock fit is essential for new shooter enjoyment.
2) Function. The the gun cycle rounds smoothly. Crisp trigger release. Good rifling. No damage to muzzle. 2” MOA or better with standard ammo.
3) Form. Does the gun look cared for? Is it one that you will enjoy owning or passing down?

A “new” .243, such as the Savage XP with a scope is under $400 on sale, so be mindful of this when negotiating the price.

I would not be afraid of buying a used gun. The 243’s are commonly “traded” for something “more powerful.” Personally, I like the round and took two does and two bucks with a .243 this past season. With the right ammo, the Savage 11 can be a 1” MOA gun, and is good for up to 250 yards in the right hands.
Savage 11 has a great reputation. The newer Savage XP II can be had with adjustable stock inserts to fit a youth with shorter length of pull. I just purchased my eleven year old grandson one in .350 legend caliber. This caliber is rated as more powerful then the .243 but has less kick and a bit quieter then the .243. Plus it is legal in southern Michigan for deer in the slug gun zone. Supposedly very accurate out to 150 to 200 yards. Paid $400 plus tax. Time will tell if the hype is accurate.

For smallish kids or girls AR’s with collapsible stocks are tough to beat. My brother has one of those little older pre accu trigger savages and likes it very well deer slayer for sure the newer accu trigger guns have nicer tiggers but for the right price I wouldn’t be afraid to buy a used older one at all but I’d compare price to a new one before making that decision. For my kids I lucked into a used Ruger Compact a very short length of pull rifle my oldest boy used it for a couple years before I jumped onto the AR building wagon my middle boy and youngest have only used AR’s to hunt with.
Thanks for all the replies!
The older rifles with real wood kick less because they are alittle heavier.I put a sims vibration recoil pad on my 7mag for my daughter to shoot. One thing to always watch on an older rifle is to make sure that model didn't require you to take off safety to work bolt.The older remingtons did this and you can ship back to them and they will upgrade it.