Received first tree order with great disappointment

Actually there was a response, I copied and pasted here but believe the administrators removed it. Essentially they said they are an organic operation and sometimes they get 3 feet of growth and sometimes they don’t.

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Was there some reason they would remove it?
This was the Fedco response. I am actually okay with the response, but the web page does not suggest they will be sending bare root scions with some roots ha View attachment 17726

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I brought the above over from the Call me Crazy thread. As noted, it was not deleted, just posted to the wrong thread. Click on the View Attachment above to see the response.


I only ordered 8 trees. The only reason I ordered from them was they had some hard to find heirloom varieties. The did list most of the ones I bought as standard rootstock, which I have never see it listed before. I normally only see B-118. I really didn’t need standard trees but I did wan the varieties offered. I will baby them and see what happens.

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Thanks guys. It didn't seem like something we would've deleted. WTNUT, hope the trees work out for you.
I only ordered 8 trees. The only reason I ordered from them was they had some hard to find heirloom varieties. The did list most of the ones I bought as standard rootstock, which I have never see it listed before. I normally only see B-118. I really didn’t need standard trees but I did wan the varieties offered. I will baby them and see what happens.

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As long as you can get them to live for a season or so, since they are heirloom, you can just buy whatever rootstock you want and use them as a scion source rather than waiting for a standard tree.


I only ordered 8 trees. The only reason I ordered from them was they had some hard to find heirloom varieties. The did list most of the ones I bought as standard rootstock, which I have never see it listed before. I normally only see B-118. I really didn’t need standard trees but I did wan the varieties offered. I will baby them and see what happens.

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As long as you can get them to live for a season or so, since they are heirloom, you can just buy whatever rootstock you want and use them as a scion source rather than waiting for a standard tree.



I have never had any standard trees. Do they grow or produce slower? I have a ton of B-118 and they do real well for me. Those and M-7 are my favorites. I have several M-111, but dang they take forever to produce.

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Thanks guys. It didn't seem like something we would've deleted. WTNUT, hope the trees work out for you.

Well then here is the response again.


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I will say they have gotten rock star treatment. I removed enough of the soil to add some top soil that had been pushed to the side of some food plots when we cleared the land. That soil has had leaves and organic matter on it for 14 years. I used that soil and mounded them slightly, and mixed the smallest amount of old cow manure. Soaked water in roots for 3 hours before planting, planted is best soil on the farm and then watered again yesterday.
They will continue to get A+ treatment.

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As long as you can get them to live for a season or so, since they are heirloom, you can just buy whatever rootstock you want and use them as a scion source rather than waiting for a standard tree.



Once of the functions of clonal rootstock is dwarfing which causes earlier fruit production.
Update, this is the response I got when I asked if they grafted their trees. IMG_3438.JPG

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I know one place I won't be buying trees from.
33F6E42A-57F0-4BCB-92A8-4047A1372A84.jpegHere’s a decent size frostbite on standard (antonovka) from fedco (32”). Sure there trees aren’t as big as cumming or others but they do have a good variety of heirlooms and John Bunker has brought a bunch of lost apples back into circulation.
Years are to valuable I would find out where your 36 inch trees were and demand an exchange or pull them and send way would I plant those and lose a couple years
View attachment 17894Here’s a decent size frostbite on standard (antonovka) from fedco (32”). Sure there trees aren’t as big as cumming or others but they do have a good variety of heirlooms and John Bunker has brought a bunch of lost apples back into circulation.

I would have been THRILLED to have gotten the tree in your picture compared to what I received. There was really only one acceptable tree. Mr. Bunker has some age on him, so I will assume he isn’t able to see over every detail and give him a pass. He has brought a lot of apples back. However, when you compare what their webpage says to what I received. It is embarrassing to see what people will do for a dollar.

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Hope the runts of the litter turn out to be growers. Today I got a couple trees from a reputable nursery. One was nice sized and one was a little vertically and horizontally challenged. My dad finally showed up to help put the finishing touches on the last tree of the year, sporting his new Duluth fire hose pants.

Hope the runts of the litter turn out to be growers. Today I got a couple trees from a reputable nursery. One was nice sized and one was a little vertically and horizontally challenged. My dad finally showed up to help put the finishing touches on the last tree of the year, sporting his new Duluth fire hose pants.

View attachment 17916View attachment 17917

Looks great! I have a shipment coming this week (they shipped yesterday) from Grandpa’s Orchard. They will be great trees no doubt. I probably have 100 from them total at this point. I will post some pics of those for comparison. Again, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. My friends and family here seem more upset about it than me (and I still am in shock when I look at them). THE ONLY REASON I POSTED ANYTHING HERE IS TO WARN THOSE FRIENDS AND FAMILY.

Going to dig some holes today and do some minor work with the trees. I am really way ahead of where I have been in the last several years :)

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I recently got my rootstock from Grandpa's Orchard. I just shoved the box in the fridge and haven't opened it yet. They were very pleasant to deal with, but they talk about "Grandpa" in a slightly weird way.
Yes they do I guess it is a marketing thing :)

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