most places says willaims pride is either immune or resistant. I forgot who said it was susceptible. Not a drop of rust on mine.
I forgot who mentioned converting franklin cider to pristine. Would like to hear why. Noticed my 2nd year on my tree really took off. PRistine on the other hand suffers very badly from cedar apple rust. Got one from stark and one from I think mehrabyan nursery on M111. So, no accidental mixup. They're both rusty. Not sure what I will do with that one. Droptine gets rust bad. At home tree with be topworked, maybe keep a brnach or two for scionwood sources for other.
Home I am done 45ish trees on 8 acres. My foodplot is at risk of the oldest kid buildiing a house there. There's about 10trees infront of the plot too. IF they all go, not a huge loss. MAny are repeats or were scion source material trees for more at camp. I have 20 3 gallon root pruning pots and 6 5 gallon ones. I might, just might buy 10 anty or dolgo roostocks for up north next year and then done.