White Oak
5 year old buck +
The Nativ Nurseries "wild deer pear" was the first fruit tree that I ordered online and planted in my plot. I planted 5 of them them in 2019 along with two Dr Deer pears from Walmart and a Moonglow and a couple of Kieffer pears from Lowes. This spring was the first year all my pear trees were loaded with blossoms...However we got hit with a late frost , and most of the crop was lost. One of the DR Deer trees had 4-5 pears and One NN wild deer pear was loaded with finger tip sized up to acorn sized pears. I set a camera facing the NN Wild deer pear and they definitely eat them. They started dropping last week of Oct and as of today 12/5 there maybe a dozen left. I only have 2 NN wild deer pears in my plot now...so I'll just leave them or possibly try grafting a few Dr Deer branches on the NN pears since their pears are bigger. The First week of early Muzzleloader season my target buck circled this pear tree looking for pears...unfortunately I felt he was out of range about 150 yards ,just my luck the camera didn't take a picture either . If it had been regular rifle season I would have taken the shot. Regardless it was still cool to watch the biggest buck I had on camera all year, drawn in to a tree I planted just for this purpose . I know there are much better pears out there (but at least it's not a total dud ), I will be adding to my plot a Gilmer Christmas , Wildlife pear , and a Yates Apple from The Wildlife Group spring of 24'.
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