Received first tree order with great disappointment

I'm with bowsnbucks, on my ground my previous trees from sln have out grown almost all others. My 4th leaf all winter hangover, winter wildlife crab, violis, and freedom are all well over 12 ft and all either had several blossoms or significant fruit last year (frost knocked off a couple). It appears they will all be loaded with flowers this year!
I think Connor had a bad growing season followed by a bad winter. I hope he gets things back on track, but I won't be ordering from him until I hear some consistent positive reviews.
^^^^^ I'm hoping the same thing Telemark. It's his 1st year at the helm, and it may take a year or 2 to get stabilized. As Bcbowman said in post #121, all our SLN trees are kicking butt. SLN's variety of trees are too good to let slide. They have some things that you can't find other places, and I like the fact that their Antonovka roots will grow full-sized trees. I sure hope Connor at SLN gets it all together. Many of us will benefit when he does.
St. Lawrence cancelled my order and issued a refund. This is a huge kick in the nuts. I had ordered ten Antonovka seedlings that were to be the backbone of my cider orchard. I have no idea when I will be able to plant apple trees again after this Spring.

Luckily I ordered extra M111 from Grandpa's, and hopefully Cummins will come through on my grab bag.
Of you are looking for cider orchard why not go with dwarf rootstocks and you will get fruit way sooner. Cummins is also having 35 % off sale and the only trees they had left were cider type apples on dwarf roots with nice discount. I just checked and seems like they have even some varieties other than cider and on some larger roots
I will add a few dwarf trees in the next couple years, but I wanted to get the big trees going ASAP. It will probably be a long time before I can plant a large number of trees up here. Unfortunately I left the country on Friday, so I didn't get a chance to order the discounted trees. Cummins has some great deals now.

I should have more money next year, so I will probably just buy a few nice trees from a nursery up in Sudbury, or order them from a nursery.
I just checked all of my Fedco trees this weekend. All leafed out and are alive. I will do everything I can to help the vertically and horizontally challenged trees grow as much as possible the next few years.

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I just checked all of my Fedco trees this weekend. All leafed out and are alive. I will do everything I can to help the vertically and horizontally challenged trees grow as much as possible the next few years.

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Hopefully not a sore subject, but how have these faired WTNUT? Still nursing them along?
I just checked all of my Fedco trees this weekend. All leafed out and are alive. I will do everything I can to help the vertically and horizontally challenged trees grow as much as possible the next few years.

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Hopefully not a sore subject, but how have these faired WTNUT? Still nursing them along?

I nursed them all along. About 50% are still alive, but they are really really slow to grow. All I can say about Fedco Trees is shame on them. They will never screw me again because I would not have ordered toilet paper from them in the height of the paper wars - they would have charged $25 a roll and sent a micro size post it note sheet. :)

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Looks like the trees SLN sold last year.
That's too bad. But a "never again" experience for you and us.