Pure Brassica Plots

I am no expert so take my advice with a grain of salt. I will spray with Gly at 2.5 oz per gal of water. This has set back the clover to stall it's growth. It will come back but maybe not all. I have done this on red, ladino, & white clover, but can't state exact impact on each.

Maybe some herbicide experts can jump in.

I just sprayed my clover with 2 4 D, and gly on Sunday. Looked at it this morning and it's all turning brown.
I just sprayed my clover with 2 4 D, and gly on Sunday. Looked at it this morning and it's all turning brown.

I presume with the 2 4 D (unless you mean 24DB) you intend to completely kill your clover rather than suppressing it long enough for the fall plant to germinate. Correct?
I presume with the 2 4 D (unless you mean 24DB) you intend to completely kill your clover rather than suppressing it long enough for the fall plant to germinate. Correct?
Yes I wanted it completely gone.
I find it beneficial to suppress the clover long enough to get the brassica started and then let it bounce back. The complement each other quite well.