Preference Points.....questions.


5 year old buck +
For those of you that travel out of state do you guys use a service to buy points? The more state regs I read the harder it is to keep track. I’ve been told there are companies that for a minimal annual fee will automatically put in for points for you in states that you want.

Does anyone have input on this? Thanks in advance!
I have a very unpredictable schedule and have used Huntin Fool for about 10 years. I put in for points in about 9 western states each year. I'm planning to start cashing in when I retire; about 5 years. If I had more time I'd probably apply on my own but their service has been well worth the price for my circumstances.
The points thing changes every year.The states change their rules from time to time.Bowsite and both have alot about point creep.You say you have been putting in for 10 years,chances are you won't draw a high choice tag because the point creep moves up.Example I drew a moose tag in WY several years ago with 14 points now it will take more points to draw the same tag.Some of the raffles have better chances.I won a statewide moose tag for CO a few years ago for 100.00,Wyoming is raffling a bison tag next month and NM is raffling Big horn and desert sheep tags.I have used Cabelas and Hunting fool both about the same.What alot of guys do is get a separate credit card and put all the charges on it and only pay interest unless they draw a tag.Not to take your hope away as someone has to draw but apply wisely.
I'm well aware of point creep but you have to pay to play. Some people draw, some eventually give up. I already have plenty of points to draw great tags in most states and won't even begin to apply until I have ~17 elk points in AZ for an example. I put in for everything in each state I'm applying in. Some species (sheep for example) I'll likely never draw but will have a chance. There are lots of excellent mid tier tags to be had in most western states.
I use gohunt and hunterstrailhead for research. I apply on my own. I put in for 5 states and like doing it myself. I think if you just buying points for the future I wouldn’t do anything but just that. No need to pay someone to buy points. When it comes time to apply you might check into something at that point. I’m on a budget so I would buy more points or put back money for a hunt instead of paying for a service to apply you personally.
I wouldn’t wait 15+ years to do a hunt unless it just was a scheduling issue either. Obviously everyone has their own budget and goals so no right or wrong way.
My personal plan is UT for long term. WY,SD,AZ,CO try and rotate a hunt or two per year. NM and ID no points so depending on my yearly plan I’ll add those.
Back up plan is OTC.

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One of the funnest hunts out there is fairly hard to draw but my daughter and I drew the first year and thats NM Oryx.Best wild game meat ever and a blast to go through the whole process
Yeah NM is a great option if you don't mind potentially drawing a tag. I don't usually have that luxury but I did draw a NM archery elk tag in 2008, my very first application year. I shot my first bull on that hunt and will be applying again in NM in a few years when I retire.