Old flying squirrel pics


5 year old buck +
Been trying to sort through countless thousands of trail cam pics, frankly deleting most of them because there's just so many times you can look at a doe browsing.

But I ran across a few more flying squirrel photos. Not great, but interesting none the less. Since I posted the one below already I thought I'd post these too.


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Cool critter .... other than they fall into ")(&^(! Squirrel category when you are deer hunting.
First one I ever saw was opening day, just as it was starting to get light. I knew I was sleep deprived but I thought I was losing my mind. This bird soared over my head and down the hill. Then landed and ran up a tree!!!! WHAT!?! 😃
They’re a hoot.

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I like them, but also think they are a pain in the butt when they are flying into your pecan tree for a late night snack and your dog believes the property is under attack at 2:30 in the morning. Freaked me out when I went to see what she was barking at and noticed little winged creatures zipping through the air and scampering up and down the tree with small, glowing little eyes.
The only place I have ever seen them is in the very southeast corner of Nebraska. There is a state park there that has a decent population of them.
Very common in Western Kentucky, my squirrel dogs would tree snag and when I would hit it several flying squirrels would jump from every hole onto the outside bark, dogs go crazy. I have also had them raise young in my blue bird boxes. Many claim flying squirrels eat all their bird seeds over night in the yard, I would like to put a camera on my feeder to see if they are swooping in a dusk to get an easy snack, but I have never done so yet.
Cool pics!
I've seen them in OK at Grand lake. The kids put on leather gloves and caught a couple. Crazy little guys!
Had a cabin that bordered national forest with a sliding glass door. I had but up a bird feeder right out the sliding door and we noticed flying squirrels feeding all night long at the feeder it was so close to the door in a pine tree the light from in the cabin was enough for us to see them no yard light at all.
Had one make a home in my cabin.As I was repairing the fascia board ( whacking it with a hammer ) To my surprised to two large eyes appeared from crack in the fascia board right by my head. Dang thing flew over my head and into a tree. I screamed at the top of my lungs as it flew over my head. They can flatten themselves out to look like a pancake.
20+ years ago dad had squirrels living in his attic. They were getting in through an obvious hole in a gable end vent So I put a small conibear trap over the hole. I was completely shocked to find that little bug-eyed bugger in the trap. I had no idea we had them in this area as well.
Have had a family living in the walls of a permanent blind I built for probably the last 5 years. Don't ever need a watch with them around. 30 minutes before sunrise you start to hear them landing on the blind. Then, after they sleep all day, about an hour before sunset they start getting rambunctious in the walls. Only had one occurrence where one tried to land on the window in the dark.
These ones live in the wife's hunting shack and she has them semi tamed by the time the season ends. So for entertainment in late winter/early spring we sit out there and feed them peanuts
I had a hang-on stand in a big pine tree many years back. Crawled into that stand in the dark one morning for our opener deer season. At first light.....those little bastards started flying past me. Scared the spit outta me at first.....and I nearly jumped out of the stand before recognizing those squirrels as they parachuted to the ground below. Pretty cool little critters.