Not a lot of mass but

I love the looks of that one bill.
Nice looking buck Bill! Hes got a lot of growing left to do!!
^^^^ Yep - he'll be a good one !!
Lots of potential there!
He will be a good one!
Time will tell but if this is the deer I think it is it's time for him to go.
Don't get me wrong he'll turn out ok but not living up to the potential in the neighborhood. If it's who I think he's 5 this year and won't get much for tine length. He's taking up a bed at this point.

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Take him out Take him out (chanting this to same tune as lock her up)

That jingle has a happy tune to it. I like it!
They dont all get huge antlers, thats for sure! If hes a 5 yr old he'll be a trophy in any ones eyes!
Looks like a scrapper. Scare above the eye and on his back.
Looks like a scrapper. Scare above the eye and on his back.

If it does turn out to be the one I think it is he was pretty aggressive last year. One more may add to his confidence there.
I hope the antler catch up with belly. Guess this is what happens when you still have beans in the spring.

looking good bill, I set three cams out yesterday, not expecting much as I havent had a sign of the big ones from last year being around. I also am trying to mentally prep for the frustration of thousands of images of nothing. I have two trace trail cams by moutrie and dang if they don't have a sensitivity setting, annoying beyond words.thinking of ways to cut sensitivity, maybe add a filter to the sensor, clear to off clear tape? ugh.
Maybe some tape. I leave mine on 100% most of the time and regret it on windy days.