New hunter 2014

I tell him all the time sandbur. It was a happy coincidence for me to find out that he served in the exact same unit as my grandfather did in WWII. I can just imagine the look on my face when I asked him what unit he served in and he told me 82nd Airborne Division 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment. I must have been like o_O :eek: :D

As far as what he shoots, it is a Savage Axis(he got the package with the scope), and if you would have asked him a year ago it was a 7.62mm NATO, but I have him trained to call it a .308 Winchester now. He did the full camo job himself, that was the first time he told me he was putting his sniper school training to use. LOL Probably the most accurate $330 rifle I have ever shot, pretty much a tack driver. If you miss, it wasn't the gun, I know that much.
Bittersweet day for me today. Kind of sad really.:( My new hunter will be moving with his wife to their new home in Fort Atkinson, WI. I consider myself lucky and a better man for having met him and introduced him to the sport of hunting, and he feels the same and appreciates having an experienced mentor to have shown him the basics. We said our goodbyes last evening after we finished loading the last few items on the U-haul and then drank a few beers. We hope to be able to stay in touch and get together for rifle seasons for many years to come, but we all know how that stuff goes and folks get busy and I'm sure someday soon he and his wife will be expecting some little ones of their own, which only makes stuff like that even harder. I told him that all I can hope for is that he teaches his children the same values and ethics that I tried to instill in him as a first time hunter over the last year and a half and to tell them stories about the fat, bearded guy who showed him the ropes of how to pursue whitetail deer and turkeys. With that I thanked him again for his service to our country, wished him luck in his new home, shook his hand, and headed over to my house to hit the bed. Very sad day for me, but a new beginning for a well deserving young man and his wife.
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Bittersweet day for me today. Kind of sad really.:( My new hunter will be moving with his wife to their new home in Fort Atkinson, WI. I consider myself lucky and a better man for having met him and introduced him to the sport of hunting, and he feels the same and appreciates having an experienced mentor to have shown him the basics. We said our goodbyes last evening after we finished loading the last few items on the U-haul and then drank a few beers. We hope to be able to stay in touch and get together for rifle seasons for many years to come, but we all know how that stuff goes and folks get busy and I'm sure someday soon he and his wife will be expecting some little ones of their own, which only makes stuff like that even harder. I told him that all I can hope for is that he teaches his children the same values and ethics that I tried to instill in him as a first time hunter over the last year and a half and to tell them stories about the fat, bearded guy who showed him the ropes of how to pursue whitetail deer and turkeys. With that I thanked him again for his service to our country, wished him luck in his new home, shook his hand, and headed over to my house to hit the bed. Very sad day for me, but a new beginning for a well deserving young man and his wife.
You gave him the opportunity to decide whether he wanted to hunt, and gave him the tools to start doing it. No reason to be sad!
You gave him the opportunity to decide whether he wanted to hunt, and gave him the tools to start doing it. No reason to be sad!
And you helped him get his first deer! That's something that he will never forget even if you guys were to never speak again. One of my buddies that I introduced to deer hunting also got his first deer last year and what a great feeling it was watching him in his glory over his first kill. Couldn't have been happier had I been the one that shot the deer.
Oh, I know Rally, it just sucks that I lost my shooting range partner more than anything. I'm sure we will get together for hunting and such in the future, but it was nice to have someone right next door that was gung-ho to go to the shooting range at a moments notice. It feels like I've shot my rifle more in the last 18 months than I have in the last 18 years and getting motivated to go to the range on a weekday after work by yourself is almost a chore in itself most days. He was always asking me to go shooting and I will surely miss that. We are going down to their housewarming party on Memorial Day weekend, so that should be a really fun time. Both of our beagles are really going to miss each other as well, and I can't wait until they see each other again at the end of May.
Oh, I know Rally, it just sucks that I lost my shooting range partner more than anything. I'm sure we will get together for hunting and such in the future, but it was nice to have someone right next door that was gung-ho to go to the shooting range at a moments notice. It feels like I've shot my rifle more in the last 18 months than I have in the last 18 years and getting motivated to go to the range on a weekday after work by yourself is almost a chore in itself most days. He was always asking me to go shooting and I will surely miss that. We are going down to their housewarming party on Memorial Day weekend, so that should be a really fun time. Both of our beagles are really going to miss each other as well, and I can't wait until they see each other again at the end of May.

I know what you mean. It's hard for me to find the motivation to go lift after I have class all day, but a lot of times a buddy will ask if I want to go, and that makes it a lot easier.