New Garage

Just finished up with the sheeting, and have it ready for trusses now. They should be here next week. Also had some free time to level the site a bit, and do a little work in the food plot, that has been neglected. I am hoping to get something planted in there yet. But free time has been lacking lately.

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top quality construction. straight cuts. extremely tight joints. Very fussy carpentry work and it shows. Excellent job.

The only thing that would make me nervous is the size of the trees so close to that beautiful building!! I would hate to see one crash into it.
top quality construction. straight cuts. extremely tight joints. Very fussy carpentry work and it shows. Excellent job.

The only thing that would make me nervous is the size of the trees so close to that beautiful building!! I would hate to see one crash into it.

Red, that was one of my concerns as well since the beginning, but others don’t seem to think it there is anything to worry about. I originally wanted to clear trees back far enough so nothing can fall on it, but the excavator guy didn’t do it, and convinced me that mature trees are strong, and should hold for many years without any concern.
Red, that was one of my concerns as well since the beginning, but others don’t seem to think it there is anything to worry about. I originally wanted to clear trees back far enough so nothing can fall on it, but the excavator guy didn’t do it, and convinced me that mature trees are strong, and should hold for many years without any concern.

the other part would be a fire. so close to the tree line. I don't know if there is a rule for a perimeter as I have been in the camp of always have trees away from my place unless they are ornamental and of smaller size. But you have some trees that are at least 4 sticks high. That would be a concern but hopefully nothing happens. beautiful place.
Red, that was one of my concerns as well since the beginning, but others don’t seem to think it there is anything to worry about. I originally wanted to clear trees back far enough so nothing can fall on it, but the excavator guy didn’t do it, and convinced me that mature trees are strong, and should hold for many years without any concern.

When did excavators have to acquire an arborist degree?

The problem with trees is that you can't inspect the roots or see inside. One good wind storm could snap one in half or knock it over at the roots.

By the way, place looks great and is coming along well!
I put up a new Redneck elevated blind last summer near a few 100-150 year old oaks. I cut the smaller trees out, but figured those old trees have been there that long they should make it at least another 50 years. A few months later one of those old oaks snapped off and barely missed the stand. It actually touched the frame, but didn't do any damage luckily. Now the old oak next to it got oak wilt this summer and will be dead shortly so I have to cut that one down without hitting the stand.

If there are any adjacent trees you can easily take out I think that would be a good idea. Especially if they are on the upwind side from the direction your storms normally come from.
You guys talked me into it. I will start trimming the ones back I can, and feel safe to now, but the others will have to wait until I have more time. Sure would have been nice the excavator guy would have done it, like I asked.
Thinking about having this built.20180811_224146.jpg
My recommendation is to point at it, say this is what I want, then don’t add on stuff. I started with seeing an ad for $13k, and ended up with many times that. But it will be awesome when it is done.
Id really like a third garage door is my hold up
Last weekend was a little bit frustrating. I ended up getting the trusses up, at least the ones they delivered me. I received 2 less then what I needed. Which sucks, because now I need to wait a couple more weeks, pay extra shipping, and figure out how to get the 2 trusses up there. I won’t let the time be wasted, I have plenty other stuff to do, but it would have been nice to not have to figure out how to get them up there. Plus they are charging me $40 extra per truss, because it is a small order, only 2 trusses, and they wanted almost double of what they charged me the first time to deliver the trusses. Very frustrating! Especially since it was their fault the trusses were off to begin with.

Oh well, they are on order, they have them, I need them. If I had the time I would be taking it to small claims court. Since we are talking over $600 extra for shipping, and the added amount because of a small order. Over $1300 for 2 trusses! Ok, I am over that now.

Here is the latest picture, I only took the one, I was busy working.

So I have a bid for 25,500 for the above building with a 3rd bay door. I m really torn. Price is great and I could really get my garage cleaned out. I could even have a work bench in the garage. Downside is I would acquire debt even if I could have it paid for in 18 months. I dont owe on anything but my house.
Being debt free was a goal of mine, but after starting this project, with a house going up in a couple years, that goal is out the window for any time soon. But my dream is to live on my land, and without debt, it wouldnt happen.
Mine is a go. 30x48. 2 10x10 doors and an 8x8 door. 1 entry door and a window. 4” concrete slab. 25,500. Ill run electrical with the help of a buddy. It’s only 50 ft roughly from my meter to the location for the shop. I’ll have extra romex from the basement project. Guy will be out Wednesday to get the 20% down and go over exact placement of doors and such.
I am on the schedule for late november. However he said if we get the pad done we can likely be moved up because somebody ahead of me wont be ready. Pad is supposed to be done tomorrow.
Oh well, they are on order, they have them, I need them. If I had the time I would be taking it to small claims court. Since we are talking over $600 extra for shipping, and the added amount because of a small order. Over $1300 for 2 trusses! Ok, I am over that now.

No question, for that amount of $$ I would build the 2 trusses myself. You have the dimensions, they should be easy to copy. Don't let a few metal plates discourage you. Laminated lumber a foot or two either side of the joints filled with screws and glue will be stronger than the metal. It would only cost you a little lumber.
