New Garage

We decided to just do one color with a different color trim. We=wife. But we did want it to blend in with the woods so it isn’t easily seen.
They called today. Material will be dropped of either wed or friday. Work starts monday morning.
This past weekend I was suppose to have the outside buttoned up, and we got close, but Saturday afternoon while we were working on the last couple pieces of siding, in the freezing rain, the ladder slipped and my son took a fall from the ladder. It was about a 16 foot drop, and we ended up in the emergency room. Luckily no broken bones, but he has a concussion, and lots of bruises and scrapes. It was very scary for me to see my son laying on the ground basically motionless. He kept repeating questions, and puking afterwards, which are side effects from the concussion.

After we got out of the hospital we packed up and went home, and will have to finish the steel next weekend. We were being careless in the cold, and freezing rain, hoping to get it finished up, being we had just a couple sheets to go and it would have been done for the year. Luckily he will recover fully, within time. But I’m not sure if myself seeing my son injured will leave my mind anytime soon.

I snapped a quick photo just before I left Saturday. 427472CC-8BD4-4B8D-A1CE-B490191F4268.jpeg
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Glad to hear your son wasn't more seriously hurt, barn looks good!.
Not good that your son fell on frozen ground. I work construction. Did the ladder slide out, tip over or was he trying to make a big reach? I have fallen twice. Got lucky and walked away a little beat up. Must have been hell to watch it happen to your own kid. Be safe and get it done.
Phase 1 done. Concrete wasnt supposed to be coming till next week but the concrete guy just called. He had a big job cancel, and cant get concrete at another so they may be coming to pour tomorrow. He is going to put a 4" sleeve in for me to run electrical. Wanted to get my conduit in but no time between now and tomorrow morning.
Looks great gobbler!

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Concrete went in today.
Man that went up quick.
Not good that your son fell on frozen ground. I work construction. Did the ladder slide out, tip over or was he trying to make a big reach? I have fallen twice. Got lucky and walked away a little beat up. Must have been hell to watch it happen to your own kid. Be safe and get it done.

It was an extension ladder, and the bottom slipped out, the ground was icy. He is doing ok, eclxcept his shoulder is very sore. He has to go in to get it checked out again later next week.
Salesman says garage doors should go on this week sometime.
Impressive - fast crew you got
Need some dirt brought in around it and 2 loads of rock for the approach but it is complete. Going to wire it in the next couple weeks.
Looks good, I really am jealous on how fast it went for you. I have done what I am doing on mine for the year. I still have soffit, and facial to finish, but that will have to wait until spring. I will do a little work on the inside this winter, but for the most part it is done for the winter.
