Need Help on Air Seeders


5 year old buck +
Hello everyone. Need some advice from those who have used air seeders to plant. The link shows the piece I am considering. I plan to talk to my dealer but thought I would post the question on here. How well does this work on sloped land? How big of a tractor is necessary for this implement? How often are there breakdowns? Easy to fix? Any other advice is appreciated.
I hope you get your answer but that unit is a little out of our league. Not to many guys using that type of equipment on this site.

You would be better served to post on Tractorbynet as their will be users of that equipment on that site.

Good Luck
Whoa! That is one big and expensive seeder right there. Not sure if anyone on this site is operating to that scale. Maybe.....but I am going to guess you will need to pose that question on a farming site. (?)
Alright will post elsewhere... I figured there may be a few on here that farm large acreage though... maybe not
I prefer 1990 ccs drills vs. tow behind carts. What are you looking to plant? A lot of wheat? You shouldn't have problems on slopes. Some soybeans and wheat here. PM if you'd like.
I hope you get your answer but that unit is a little out of our league. Not to many guys using that type of equipment on this site.

You would be better served to post on Tractorbynet as their will be users of that equipment on that site.

Good Luck
So I went and checked out the website. I realized it is a compact tractor forum and have gotten the same response type lol
I think you are going to need a 200+ HP tractor to pull that comfortably. Find the ag talk forum, should be a lot of guys there that have the knowledge.
A 36 ft seeder should be fine with sloped land depending on field size, terraces, ravines, and how sloped it is of course. My in-laws don't want to go much over 30 feet for planters and combine heads because of the hills, terraces and creeks on some of their fields and they are farming around 1,000 acres.

It will only break down when you need it most ;). Regular maintenance and some fixing shouldn't be too bad if you are handy and the manuals are usually pretty darn helpful. But some things definitely have to be hired out.

What is your plan with this piece of equipment? Are you trying to get into farming? How many acres are you planting?
Go to AgTalk for any farm related questions!