Native Warm Season Grass

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Keep us posted bwoods, that looks like a great layout! Especially if you can put a foodplot on the top of that ridge field.. :emoji_grin:
bwoods - How is your germination looking? Curious what your planting rate was as well. Thanks!
Dry here, so not looking very good yet. I’ll have to go check it out this weekend.
I just joined the forum so I'm getting caught up on some reading from you guys in year's past. Thought I would add some pictures of some switchgrass plantings I've done with varying techniques over the past two years.

This switch was frost seeded for screening along food plots. Was frost seeded at a heavier rate (about 10 lbs/acre) in the spring of 2020 into soybean stubble, this is second year stuff. It varied between 5' to 7' this year in a moderate to severe drought, in SE MN. I mowed several times in the first year, there was moderate foxtail competition. In late March of this year I applied simazine at 2 qt/acre and let the grass do the rest. Turned into a wonderful pure stand. I plan to mow as necessary in the future.

Last winter I converted a 12 acre cut corn field into about 7 acres of switchgrass, 3 acres of food plot, and 2 acres of interspersed diversity plantings. I expect the deer to bed on the edge of the switchgrass and the plantings.
I drilled the CIR switchgrass in last November and sprayed gly and simazine this spring. Before germination this spring the majority of the field looked like a box elder plantation popping through the corn stubble. On three occasions throughout the summer I mowed to about 12" in height and at the last mowing I raised the deck to about 18" in August. Areas where I didn't mow because they were near some of my tree/shrub plantings, the switch grew to 5' tall. I expect it to whole field to be 6-7' next year. Not the best picture, but I realized I only had video of me mowing. Not sure how to post that yet.
I'm curious if you guys who have established fields of NWSG are mowing corridor trails in them between bedding pockets or food plots to direct deer past your stand locations?

In another post I talked about turning a 8 acre bean field into a CRP type planting and eventually I plan to mow some winding trails about 2 or 3' in width towards my stand locations to direct travel. I'm limited on stand locations to fence row type set ups at this point and they would likely be muzzle loader stands where I can overlook the field but also try to funnel deer to a better vantage point from my stand.
I'm curious if you guys who have established fields of NWSG are mowing corridor trails in them between bedding pockets or food plots to direct deer past your stand locations?

In another post I talked about turning a 8 acre bean field into a CRP type planting and eventually I plan to mow some winding trails about 2 or 3' in width towards my stand locations to direct travel. I'm limited on stand locations to fence row type set ups at this point and they would likely be muzzle loader stands where I can overlook the field but also try to funnel deer to a better vantage point from my stand.
Yes indeed. That works extremely well.
Better off spraying the trails or weedeating to keep them narrow,for mature deer
Better off spraying the trails or weedeating to keep them narrow,for mature deer
I was thinking of one of those DR mowers. Anyone have experience with them? They aren't too wide, I don't think.
I was thinking of one of those DR mowers. Anyone have experience with them? They aren't too wide, I don't think.

Ideal for the job you describe

I have a 13.8HP that is 15 years old

It is a beast of a machine that is ,essentially, a "walk behind" brush mower

I was thinking of one of those DR mowers. Anyone have experience with them? They aren't too wide, I don't think.
I double down on everything TreeDaddy just said. I have one and wouldn’t be without it now. Very tough and dependable.
Every trail i mow in my NWSG quickly has deer tracks in it. They just seem to be curious and a tad lazy I think. I've made all my trails winding and it doesn't matter, they still follow. I also have two mower width trails cut thru my corn field to access my NWSG field and they always follow those paths too. I have very sandy soil so its very easy to see all the tracks.

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Are those mowed trails planted with anything, or just volunteer growth after the planting?

Volunteer growth after mowing. Next year the process starts all over again and the lanes don’t even have to be at the same place. The only exception is the path where the does are. I keep that one mowed year round to access my blind from time to time.

The wide spot behind the buck is a hub where I brought the trails together this year. Works like a charm.
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Some second year switchgrass I was hunting near today. Saw 10 bucks, 2 does, 2 fawns this morning. Had a mature buck with a doe pinned down on a small ridge within the switch/bedding area. He never got closer than 125 yards but got to watch him run several of the bucks off. Was an awesome morning. Trying to figure out how to slide into my blind adjacent to where they were bedding in case she pulls him out into the plot tonight.
How large is that area? Doesn’t look big at all
The field is about 12 acres with approximately 7 acres of switchgrass. There is 3.5 acres of food plot that winds through it in a linear fashion and the rest are habitat pockets with tree and shrub plantings.
The photo was taken across the field the short way, which is probably 250 yards from tree line to tree line. The long way is probably 800 yards or so.