My "SmallChunk"

Been busy with school, updates coming!
Failing at getting vids up!
Grafting begins!
Clover in a new chunk of orchard and planting a centenial crab
Clover in a new chunk of orchard and planting a centenial crab

My centennial crab on B118 from our 2014 grafting class is blooming for the first time. Yesterday, I put a larger cage around it.

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My Connel red from that class is flowering too. I thought that the northwest greening was going to flower too, but it never did.

Here is a vid of my first bark graft. It is on to a flowering crab at the house.

Planted a few trees from my nursery this spring. The upfront cost of grafting seems kind of spendy, but when you think $25 for trees, you quickly think how much a guy saves...minus the growth time. But I enjoy the process :)

Random stuff at home and the farm!

A walk through the orchard on May, 15th.

Been slacking on these lately

Update on my grafts and doing some thinning/training.
The oaks are loaded this year.

The wild crab too

The beans are being heavily browsed

First time seeing a choke cherry on the place

Whitney Crab ready to pick

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Update from July
Lots of action going on there! Great to have the whole family involved!

Pretty cool to watch the vids from this spring and see the changes to this fall!

Most of the apples are picked and either turned into sauce, dehydrated apple chips, apple crisp or snacks for my students!

Most of the apples are picked and either turned into sauce, dehydrated apple chips, apple crisp or snacks for my students!

Great tour, Korey. I ate my first and only enterprise last night. It was just ok.

I cut one pear tree down and have considered cutting the second. Then I noted one branch of a topworks on it took. Might wait another year or two. They are disappointing for me.

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Last one of the year!