My "SmallChunk"

Great update! We also put an exclusion cage on our tiny soybean plot. That was about two weeks ago. It'll be interesting to see it. We're headed up this weekend.
looks great Cory! Love seeing Grams out there as well.

You give her a beer for helping? LOL
Good pics! I think a lot of grandmas made impacts in a lot of our lives.
Nice tour and give Grandma a hug for me!
That sorghum might protect your beans from a light frost.'ve probably got it somewhere in this thread, but I didn't find it. How is your Harrow Delight pear doing?
It's actually doing pretty good! 2nd leaf tree made it through last winter and hasn't shown any sign of blight or disease. This photo was from today! Fairly slow grower compared to others though.
Here comes another photo blast. Was down at the farm last weekend and snapped a bunch. Took some videos when I was down there yesterday and I will try to post them.

The screen in all of its glory

I got a call from my grandma earlier in the week an I could tell something was up. She had called to inform me that this Mac had finally tipped over and she felt so bad for me that she didn't even want to tell me!

2nd leaf Maccoun on B118 from Cummins. This sucker has barely grown and it has a really yellow color to it. Not sure what's going on here! Several of my trees seem to be turning yellow and not putting on new growth.

I am going to stop giving any care to my two american chestnuts. They have died back the past two winters but seem to put on new growth the next year. Just too cold here I guess

The blackberries are in full production mode right now, gosh they are tasty!

Hey guys,

Hoping this works. Haven't posted on here in awhile and noticed all my pics were deleted off of photobucket. I went and started a youtube page and will start just uploading vids off of there, I'm horrid at uploading posts and pics, maybe I will do better with videos! If you want to subscribe to it, I'm going to try and update it occasionally all summer with different things I'm trying down there.
Part 2 of the orchard walk!

You ever tried jugging for the gophers?
I haven't....I've watched videos but haven't attempted it yet!

Here is a quick one on pruining one of my crummy old trees. I think I will like these videos to go back and watch a few years from now!

Another video of some random trees this spring.

Did some tree clearing on Friday.

Got a little pruning practice in!
Hey we started a land tour section.
I'm going to move this into that catagory with the others.

Glad to see you back to updating this..
I didn't realize that! Thanks for moving it :emoji_relaxed:
Started some seeds for rootstock. Should've done it three weeks ago, but oh well!
Started some seeds for rootstock. Should've done it three weeks ago, but oh well!

That’s awesome. You’d should post this on the fruit tree forum also.