My 5.5 yr old heavyweight showed

Geez those bucks are doppelgangers. I can tell yours has really big bases. Unique buck no doubt.

Ben, I can't guarantee it died from ehd but I'd bet $100 that it did. We're having a bad outbreak this year. Not yet known how bad, but i think it's going to be pretty depressing, and a long rebuilding period. Seems odd to me MN wouldn't have occasional ehd. That's great for you though, because it is a sad deal.
Geez those bucks are doppelgangers. I can tell yours has really big bases. Unique buck no doubt.

Ben, I can't guarantee it died from ehd but I'd bet $100 that it did. We're having a bad outbreak this year. Not yet known how bad, but i think it's going to be pretty depressing, and a long rebuilding period. Seems odd to me MN wouldn't have occasional ehd. That's great for you though, because it is a sad deal.
3 to 4 years if it's as bad as I think, like you I won't really know until after the season when I an crawl all over the place. That's not to get a good one here and there. That's to get back on the roll we were on. We were making it look easy.
That really sucks, that was a heck of a deer.

Is there a way to tell it died from EHD versus another cause? I found a dead doe last weekend in an open grassy area below a small pond. It seemed to be an odd place for a gut shot deer to die, but I've never heard of EHD outbreaks in Minnesota.
I believe our time is coming. A few years ago I was doing some bird hunting near the Missouri River in central ND and they had dead deer everywhere. Farmers were reporting finding 50+ deer dead in one coulie. When walking for roosters, the most we found in a dry slough was 8. Very sad deal.

Somehow I still managed to center punch a doe at about 60mph on that trip and crush the front of my truck.