MN ODN Cuffs And Collars


5 year old buck +
The previous issue, I threw up a wolf thread to keep track of depredation cases. Yesterday, I finally got a chance to ready my current issue. You can really learn a great deal by reading through the entire cuffs and collars page.

*Lots of hunting over bait being reported and some getting busted.
*One more wolf depredation case around I-Falls this week.
*Dopers doing Meth on a trail in their vehicle. (Who'd wanna stumble upon that?)
*Some gross overlimits of sunfish.
*The one that surprised me: Two people were caught and cited for illegally tagging a deer when the tag owner was not hunting. Surprise, surprise, mom had a tag and son filled it.
It happens a lot in MN. Wife/cousin/friends gets a tag. If they do anything with party hunting, make it that you have to shoot and tag your own buck....period. Then you are done hunting. You can't tag along and shoot another one during the slug season, then one more during muzzy.
It happens a lot in MN. Wife/cousin/friends gets a tag. If they do anything with party hunting, make it that you have to shoot and tag your own buck....period. Then you are done hunting. You can't tag along and shoot another one during the slug season, then one more during muzzy.

For traction you would need to find a group, and an elected to author a bill.
Throw the book at them! I wonder how much a punishment they will even get.

I heard about a guy in SE MN that shot close to 10 deer by bow a couple years ago. He always had his tag with but when he would shoot one he would call someone who had a tag and they would meet up and he would fill theirs. I heard about it from a guy who knew the guy, no reason to doubt the story but didn't know enough to call TIP and no evidence other than hearsay. The guy telling me about it did not think it was a big deal :rolleyes:.
For traction you would need to find a group, and an elected to author a bill.

I'm not sure I follow you? How did we get lower doe tags and reduction of landowner tags. I don't remember a bill on this?
Are you saying that eliminating party hunting would have to be a rule change or ?

You are saying that the DNR has no authority to change game or fish limits/seasons?
Eliminate party hunting, and the honest will stay honest. You wont keep everyone from playing the games, but it would make it easier to hone in on those that want to try and play games. People like to talk and brag.... Party hunting gone, the dumb ones will continue to open their mouths and get their asses in a sling.

My neighbor was pinched years ago for bragging. only reason he was caught. A friend of mine, his whole party got pinched for using wives tags years ago. CO showed up at one guys house and asked the wife to take her bow out and show him that she could shoot it.... she didnt own a bow.... BUSTED...
party hunting happens here all the time even though it is against the rules for ANY deer. I have told folks before try that crap on my place will hunt somewhere else they pull that, and friend or family I will call the CO. I always get the "but I can't afford the $24 for the tag", or "I'll get a tag after I shoot the deer", or the "you tag it for me since you don't have to buy tags" (Indiana farm owners don't have to buy tags to hunt the land they farm).

Never cared for party hunting - never done it, never will. Not trying to hurt anyones feelings on the matter. True party hunting like deer drives are not common in IN - you shoot it you tag it - pretty simple to me.

I have seen lots of folks try to work the system to simply avoid spending $24! It isn't because they don't have it they would rather spend it on a new phone or gadget, fast food, smokes or beer (priorities). You don't have $24 and you truely need a deer call me. I will take care of the entire process and give it to you once it is processed - I won't cheat the law to do it because your lazy, or got messed up priorities.

People that don't respect the animals enough to follow the law piss me off and undermine the hunting heritage and everything a true sportsman tries to promote.
On 1, 2, or 3 people shooting and filling other people's tags - I had relatives that hunted in another part of northern Pa. with a group of local farmers. There were lots of deer - as of that time. After a 2 or 3 year span of hammering the deer, one guy shooting 3 or 4 deer and others tagging them, ( that kind of hunting among the whole group ) - the whole group was crying the blues. They couldn't find a track in the snow, no rubs, no fawns - ( but no crop damage either ). They spent the next couple years not hunting deer at all in that immediate area to get some deer back in the locality. ( Edit ) They used deer drives from one farm to another. Later admissions of " we got too greedy ", " it was so good we thought we'd never run out of deer " were voiced to other relatives.

Greed, Hunter's ego, bragging of one's prowess in the woods, racking up numbers - I'd classify it as drilling holes in your own boat. Actions such as you guys report of filling wives' tags, filling a buddy's tag, or the tale I just gave you will make them pay the piper - one way or the other. Fines, jail, loss of hunting privileges, and / or no deer left to hunt.
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Eliminate party hunting, and the honest will stay honest. You wont keep everyone from playing the games, but it would make it easier to hone in on those that want to try and play games. People like to talk and brag.... Party hunting gone, the dumb ones will continue to open their mouths and get their asses in a sling.

My neighbor was pinched years ago for bragging. only reason he was caught. A friend of mine, his whole party got pinched for using wives tags years ago. CO showed up at one guys house and asked the wife to take her bow out and show him that she could shoot it.... she didnt own a bow.... BUSTED...
That's one way to do it. I have to give the CO's credit for going after it. I have to imagine the wiggling gets pretty bad in those situations.
I was reading D and DH last night and an article speaks of party hunting during Wis. firearm season. Mn. must not be the only one with party hunting.
I don't feel party hunting is the problem but illegal sharing of tags is where the trouble exists. That is not party hunting.
...My neighbor was pinched years ago for bragging. only reason he was caught. A friend of mine, his whole party got pinched for using wives tags years ago. CO showed up at one guys house and asked the wife to take her bow out and show him that she could shoot it.... she didnt own a bow.... BUSTED...

She or he would have had to say more than that. She could have been walking the cattails doing a deer drive without a bow and been party hunting.
How can she party hunt when she doesnt own a bow....
When I was a kid party hunting meant three guys had one doe tag to share. That was when we had lots of deer. Somewhere along the line we went from that to two tags each for gun season and two tags for bow season. So thirty years ago those guys filling all their doe tags could shoot 1 doe each with a bow and one between them for gun season totaling 4 does for three guys. Now if they fill all their doe tags they shoot 12. Yet they wonder why they are lucky to fill one any more. Don't get me started on guys sharing buck tags. The group that borders me shoot 15-20 bucks every year over the thousands of acres they lease. About 5 of those guys shoot 90% of the deer. If you pulled their tag history for the last 20 years you find the wives have 100% success rate every year while the husbands are lucky to get one or two. Added bonus they shoot any buck they see, luckily this area does not have a doe season.
I was reading D and DH last night and an article speaks of party hunting during Wis. firearm season. Mn. must not be the only one with party hunting.
I don't feel party hunting is the problem but illegal sharing of tags is where the trouble exists. That is not party hunting.

Generally I agree with that. But I think that legal party hunting can cause localized problems when their are large groups doing drives and shooting everything that comes out until all tags are filled.

I have a friend that is coming bow hunting with us the weekend of Oct 31st and he already filled his tag with a doe in south central MN. I said I will tag a mature buck for him if he shoots one.
How can she party hunt when she doesnt own a bow....

Page 26 of the regs has the definition of "taking." I tried to copy it and failed. It includes assisting another to take wild animals. She can assist, thus take, thus need a license, by just doing a deer drive to her husband who then shoots the deer.

Like smsmith said, she probably didn't even know having your tagged filled by someone else while you weren't hunting was illegal. It is just sooooooo common.
Generally I agree with that. But I think that legal party hunting can cause localized problems when their are large groups doing drives and shooting everything that comes out until all tags are filled.

I have a friend that is coming bow hunting with us the weekend of Oct 31st and he already filled his tag with a doe in south central MN. I said I will tag a mature buck for him if he shoots one.

Are you sure that is legal? If he used he regular archery tag on a deer, he can't hunt with a bonus tag unless you are in the intensive zone? If you are bucks only my understanding is he can not hunt your zone?
He can hunt...he just can't tag a deer. He doesn't need to even buy a bonus tag, as long as someone in the "party" has an open tag...he's good to go

Yup, what Stu said. We will be archery hunting at the same time in the same general area.
I'm not sure I follow you? How did we get lower doe tags and reduction of landowner tags. I don't remember a bill on this?
Are you saying that eliminating party hunting would have to be a rule change or ?

You are saying that the DNR has no authority to change game or fish limits/seasons?

You are correct. There was no bill. I am not for certain that a rule change would be required, but I do know when MWA asked Leslie about cross tagging she said there is not enough public support, and no group (MWA included) is pushing the issue fwd. No group, no traction.

I don't know for certain what DNR authority to change limits seasons is.
Yup, what Stu said. We will be archery hunting at the same time in the same general area.

I don't think you can have a weapon in your hands with no valid tag.
I don't think you can have a weapon in your hands with no valid tag.

If that was the case party hunting would hardly be an issue.