Get Ready, A MN CO May Contact You!

Hey, I am glad they got the heat.... However it occurred!!!!!!!!!!

Right on!
Don't tell poachers how to avoid paying the penalty ;) I agree with the concept of shutting the F up when the cops roll up, but most honest folks who've done something wrong (or had their spouses/partners/whatever do something wrong) are ready to fess up when the time comes. Now, if they had shot some wolves....I'd be telling them about their Constitutional rights.

Just wish the COs would knock on every license holder's door under similar circumstances. In a community like L.P....the word will get out and the locals will take notice. Which, a darn good thing.
I'll seal the thread for a minute. I checked a book from Camp Ripley report, and one wolf spent a considerable amount of time at Long Prairie, then moved to Amor Mn. Where is that? Also one Cam Ripley wolf was killed in Michigan. One legally killed NE of Rice, Mn. and a collar was found in a swamp by Hillman, Mn. Other variosus road kills.
I'll seal the thread for a minute. I checked a book from Camp Ripley report, and one wolf spent a considerable amount of time at Long Prairie, then moved to Amor Mn. Where is that? Also one Cam Ripley wolf was killed in Michigan. One legally killed NE of Rice, Mn. and a collar was found in a swamp by Hillman, Mn. Other variosus road kills.

Wonder what happened there? ;)
In PA we don't have 5th amendment rights when it comes to PA Title 34 Game Code. If a WCO asks you a question as it pertains to potential or suspected violation of Title 34 it is illegal not to answer him/her without evasion.

You have 4th and 5th amendment rights in Pennsylvania, too. In fact your Supreme Court ruled in 2005 that this law is unconstitutional. Your politicians just haven't taken it off the books yet and prosecutors will still convict you if you don't have a good lawyer or the money to keep appealing.

"In Commonwealth v. Palm, 315 Pa.Super. 377, 462 A.2d 243 (1983), the Superior Court reinforced the notion that Game Officers have the same responsibilities as other police, but not more.   - See more at:"

Just answer everything they ask you with "I don't understand the question."
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You have 4th and 5th amendment rights in Pennsylvania, too. In fact your Supreme Court ruled in 2005 that this law is unconstitutional. Your politicians just haven't taken it off the books yet and prosecutors will still convict you if you don't have a good lawyer or the money to keep appealing.

"In Commonwealth v. Palm, 315 Pa.Super. 377, 462 A.2d 243 (1983), the Superior Court reinforced the notion that Game Officers have the same responsibilities as other police, but not more.   - See more at:"

Just answer everything they ask you with "I don't understand the question."
I'm well aware of my 4th and 5th amendment rights as afforded to me by the bill of rights....and there is legislation on the docket (the link I posted earlier). My comment was my tongue in cheek then anything else. However the way the law (title 34) reads and how WCO's in the commonwealth enforce title 30, 34, and 75 ( I'm sure I'm missing some), you are going to be charged and prosecuted regardless of your constitutional guarantees
I'm well aware of my 4th and 5th amendment rights as afforded to me by the bill of rights....and there is legislation on the docket (the link I posted earlier). My comment was my tongue in cheek then anything else. However the way the law (title 34) reads and how WCO's in the commonwealth enforce title 30, 34, and 75 ( I'm sure I'm missing some), you are going to be charged and prosecuted regardless of your constitutional guarantees
Sorry hit post pre maturely. You're completely and time can press the issue....but only if you have them. So essentially those rights aren't inherently possessed by all....and a WCO and prosecutor will use that to their advantage all day every day.
I'm well aware of my 4th and 5th amendment rights as afforded to me by the bill of rights....and there is legislation on the docket (the link I posted earlier). My comment was my tongue in cheek then anything else. However the way the law (title 34) reads and how WCO's in the commonwealth enforce title 30, 34, and 75 ( I'm sure I'm missing some), you are going to be charged and prosecuted regardless of your constitutional guarantees

I believe you. PA is really bad from what I've heard when it comes to violating it's citizens rights. Philadelphia is outright stealing it's citizens property.
I believe you. PA is really bad from what I've heard when it comes to violating it's citizens rights. Philadelphia is outright stealing it's citizens property.
Not nearly as bad as our neighbor's to the north and east. Also Philthydelphia is its own animal in many rights. My carry permit is honored in all counties of the commonwealth except for Philly....which doesn't honor permits from any other county period. I'm sure the Twin Cities work in a similar fashion....urban power vacuum.
I'm also reasonably sure that it's the same scenario in any other state. LEO's will knowingly and purposefully question individuals who do not know there rights under the constitution....and they for damn sure aren't going to inform them....we are talking a suspect being questioned prior to being mirandized at arrest. Get the suspect to "confess", let out enough info for an arrest, or give them enough rope to let them hang themselves. I'm not saying all LEO's are doing this, just that it happens all over more often than I'm sure the Bill of Rights is "comfortable" with. Hell watch any episode of The First 48....the entire show is predicated on this method.
Our country is headed for some serious trouble in the future. ..
Not nearly as bad as our neighbor's to the north and east. Also Philthydelphia is its own animal in many rights. My carry permit is honored in all counties of the commonwealth except for Philly....which doesn't honor permits from any other county period. I'm sure the Twin Cities work in a similar fashion....urban power vacuum.
I'm also reasonably sure that it's the same scenario in any other state. LEO's will knowingly and purposefully question individuals who do not know there rights under the constitution....and they for damn sure aren't going to inform them....we are talking a suspect being questioned prior to being mirandized at arrest. Get the suspect to "confess", let out enough info for an arrest, or give them enough rope to let them hang themselves. I'm not saying all LEO's are doing this, just that it happens all over more often than I'm sure the Bill of Rights is "comfortable" with. Hell watch any episode of The First 48....the entire show is predicated on this method.

This is a tough one. Dirtbag poachers get away with it, but the people's rights were protected.
I emailed our CO in OTC tonight to find out if there is truly an initiative to investigate random first time license buyers, or if it is an internet rumor. I just have to know. :)
This is a tough one. Dirtbag poachers get away with it, but the people's rights were protected.
Yeah that is a tough example to swallow. ultimately a dirt bag goes down for doing dirtbag things.....but dirtbags have rights like the rest of us.
I got this back from the CO from our area when I asked about the random interviews of first time hunters.

"I have not heard of any of these random interviews."

I replied that they should strongly consider it. :)
I emailed our CO in OTC tonight to find out if there is truly an initiative to investigate random first time license buyers, or if it is an internet rumor. I just have to know. :)

'We found a pile of corn by your stand in a helicopter flyover.' kept my neighbor from knowing I called. I don't remember the helicopter.

'We swabbed the gut pile from your deer after your neighbor sent a certified letter to stay off his parcel' got a confession and tickets issued from another neighbor. We never visited the gut pile.
Just talking with a friend of mine. His 60 year old FIL and MIL got pinched for cross tagging from last falls deer hunting by long prarie mn. Seems the old man was miffed he could only shoot one deer so he bought his wife a tag and used it. But 2 CO's came by months later and knocked on the door. They said they needed to ask each one about the deer they shot last fall. The wife could not answer what gun she used, caliber, or even what color the bullets were. Nor if it were a buck or a doe. So she had to admit she never hunted. How did the CO's know to knock on there door?

The CO's checked the computer and found incredible amount of new licensed hunters all of a sudden and went out to check if they actually hunted after seeing that many reported a deer harvest for the first time.

So my next statement to friend was, so next year they won't report any deer....right? His reply was no comment!

Who says you have to answer these agents questions when they knock on your door without fair warning? I'm not condoning cross tagging or breaking any other game laws but if an agent or officer knocked on my door and I had somthing to hide my only comment would be "you will have to speak with my attorney".
I watch some of these conservation officer shows every once an awhile and I'm amazed at how people get talked right into a confession when the agent literally has zero proof they did anything wrong! More often than not its just a hunch
Law breakers amaze me with their stupidity
The CO I checked with about these random license checks sent me another email a few days ago. She checked with her supervisor and confirmed there are no license checks happening on first time license purchasers..... I sure wish they would(or could).

She confirmed clearly that with the lowered license availability the last couple years, that there are a LOT more of these types of violations and she knows very much about it.
The CO I checked with about these random license checks sent me another email a few days ago. She checked with her supervisor and confirmed there are no license checks happening on first time license purchasers..... I sure wish they would(or could).

She confirmed clearly that with the lowered license availability the last couple years, that there are a LOT more of these types of violations and she knows very much about it.

Send me the email.
No Email BLB?