This thread is now 5 years old
Bill,J-bird,Scott and others,
Would you share "lessons learned" from experience with propagation from cuttings?
What works? What doesn't? etc
This thread is now 5 years old
Bill,J-bird,Scott and others,
Would you share "lessons learned" from experience with propagation from cuttings?
What works? What doesn't? etc
Due to some work being done, I had to transplant some full rhizome clumps of grass here in August. Not ideal on timing, do you think they will survive transplant in the summer heat? The grass started turning color within a couple days...
I absolutely love this stuff planted mine as road screen two springs ago and it gets thicker every year.
Bad thing is that the old guys that work for the county love to reach out and mow it when they go by and do the ditches a couple times in summer and fall. I put up “Do Not Mow” signs this past summer and they still mowed it again, I called a buddy that works for the county and pretty much lost my shit he had his boss call me.
I explained in detail what I was trying to accomplish he gave me a lot of excuses and I talked a lot about taxes and who owned the property. He ended up coming out to look at the area and how far off the road it was and he said he would talk to the old guys that do the mowing.
These old guys have had complaints about mowing standing corn and beans with their mechanical arm around telephone poles before costing farmers some $$$ too. Hopefully next year now mine will get a chance to reach for the sky and get to be a road block like intended.
When you say "lower node" did you cut and only use the lower few inches of one full bamboo stick (for lack of better term). Or were you able to get multiple cuttings from one full stick, just knowing that the lowest note had to be bottom down ?
The best way to do it is a cutting with 2 nodes. The very bottom one in a jar under water and the second above water.
It’s not that you can’t use the higher nodes. It’s just that they are not as successful and they will definitely take longer to root. If you do try nodes higher up I suggest you keep them in separate jars of water. A jar for first nodes and a second and even third for higher ones.
And node is speaking of the pronounced rings on the bamboo looking shoot. The very bottom one grows roots the best.
I got an indication that rw is selling the cold hardiest strain nagara...I’ve had some winter kill on my land in Wisconsin, been planting it since 2008 but believe most of what I’ve are the Illinois variety, so I am giving a try. It would be interesting to see if vendors could provide info in what strains they have available, I don’t recall seeing that.
I just went back and checked, I got 1000 plugs from new energy farms, Illinois variety. Compared to rhizomes the plugs were way, way easier to plant. My success was about the same in both I’d say, wish they still had plugs available. Took me 2-3 days to plant 1000 rhizomes and got all the plugs in in one day I believe
My first 10 came from a Canadian source. Don’t even remember who or where but they were stupid expensive.
When I bought 1000’s it was from maple rivers in MI. Much more cost friendly. Both worked well in M.O.
I’m all for new sources. More power to Don if he found a more cold hardy strain.
The, I discovered it chaps my ass, but hey that’s just meAnd for the record officially, nowhere does it say they discovered it. But as always, perfected it.
I’ve been at this a long time and the ultimate buck bed chaps my ass too.
We’re a dying breed, just giving free information because we love what we do is going to be a lost art....
And not 30:minutes ago I recommended RW switch. Don’t know if it’s a CIR/Kanlow mix and don’t care. Just said check pricing as to what’s best for the buyer.
I may actually try some to see about this more leaf thing. I like to dare to compare. Last time I was wrong.