Minnesota: Hunters for Hunters

Wolves are the ultimate natural predator of our era. A single one can kill the biggest bull elk in the woods. They decimate moose populations. They kill grizzlies for heavens sake.

Are we really talking about fences as a solution?

My land gets 6’ snow drifts routinely. My grandma could step over a 4’ fence on snowshoes.

I also have bears over 400# that could literally walk though nearly any fence to get at my 70+ apple trees or to hunt fawns on field edges.

Become ungovernable ….its the only way.
I see it more as trying to take matters into your own hands. I’m all for shooting every wolf a person sees. The problem with that is it’s a risk but it’s also a longshot one person going rogue is gonna make much of a difference. i also seeing as making your property as attractive as possible, like planting food and improving timber.

One of the most frustrating things up there is it doesn't take much to set your property apart by having good food. There is zero ag and very few acorns where my family's land is. The only place with cereal grains and brassicas for miles is a magnet for lots of deer. Only to then be a magnet for lots of wolves. The better you make it, the more wolf interaction you get. Really takes the wind out of a guy's sail.
The term predator pit has been around for a long time. I hate to be so cynical (not really😉) but maybe we are living what was the point all along. Predators control the deer……..not pesky hunters who vote, complain, and are exiting this earth in droves without being replaced.
injurred cow.jpeg

Donna Pyron-Phillips

Did you think it was a good idea to release apex predators? Think again!
“Jordyn Gittleson is with Lee Gittleson in Walden, Colorado.
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I'd like to paint a picture for you: after all your "typical" daily ranch chores of feeding, checking cows, treating any sickness or injury and breaking ice for water you drove through your cow herd a few times after dark to make sure there's no suspicious activity and hopefully scare off any wolves lurking in the distance. Finally you go in for a few hours to rest before dawn when you'll rise and do it all over again. You do it with joy and passion because you love your animals and you do it alone because the only "hired hands" you have are your sons who have "town day jobs" to be able to fully support their families and occasionally their wives when they're not chasing toddlers or likewise working in town.
Now imagine going back out for your morning check just a few hours since you last saw your cows only to find this. One of your mother cows ripped to shreds but still alive.
Early this morning, wolves came into our pregnant cows and chased them through a fence and tore this cows stomach, legs and flank to pieces. They didn't kill her for food, just injured her beyond repair.
Where are the animal rights activists now? Are they shedding a tear for this cow who stood no chance against a pack of apex predators? Are they volunteering their time to help check cows around the clock?
These wolves came down from Wyoming, already killing domestic animals and livestock alike before Colorado even introduces the proposed 250 wolves voters voted for.
THIS is the consequence of putting an environmental and wildlife science question on a ballot for uneducated voters to decide.
Here are just 3 facts you may (or probably didn't) know about the wolves and their introduction to the western US. I encourage you to research this issue even further!
1. Did you know wolf attacks and even just wolf presence creates a stress response in cattle herds that result in lower birth weights, higher spontaneous abortion rates and a greater likelihood of animals getting sick?
2. Did you know that anywhere that has seen repeated wolf attacks on livestock have always had to end in entire pack of wolves being killed? Once a pack of wolves learns how much easier it is to attack domestic livestock (or once they decimate a big game population to meager numbers) there is no going back. When you tie ranchers hands so that they can never meet a wolves deadly force with their own deadly force you set both the wolves and the ranchers domestic animals up for failure.
3. Did you know that Idaho is now hiring private contractors and paying citizens up to $1,000 per wolf that they kill, aiming to reduce the population there by 90%? For a state like Colorado which is out of money to begin with, the cost of introducing the wolves coupled with the cost that goes into managing them doesn't make sense, especially with other states to look at of clear examples as to what's to come.
I'll leave you with this picture that tells the story better than I can.”
-Shared from local rancher Sheid Ranch.
Uneducated voters pretty much says it all. That applies to so many problems that are left to people who don't have a clue.
Please Google “surplus killing” and see the damage they can do to deer yarding areas with deep snow. (Elk too).

Don’t ever think any of this needs to make sense. That went out the window years ago. It’s strictly about emotions now. Emotional decision-making never made sense and never will.

The only option left is to fight like hell as an individual to protect what’s yours….and continue to vote like it matters.

Also keep your trap shut😂

Good job showing reality above. we need more of it!!!!
You guys see the story about the wolf getting hit with a snowmobile, then tied up and paraded at a bar in WY before being killed? Not going to help matters.
You guys see the story about the wolf getting hit with a snowmobile, then tied up and paraded at a bar in WY before being killed? Not going to help matters.
Damn, it wasn't even dead? That's cruel as hell
You guys see the story about the wolf getting hit with a snowmobile, then tied up and paraded at a bar in WY before being killed? Not going to help matters.
Have you got a link?
Look. I don’t care who you are. If that story is true, that is WRONG! As usual, hunters will be their own worst enemy. Not that I would really consider that type of guy a hunter.

I don’t see how someone can torture anything… Let’s say you really really hate wolves. Do you think that thing asked to be born a wolf? Does it even know it’s a wolf?

F that guy and anyone like him.

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What in this incident makes this guy a hunter? At no time do they say he was hunting, but they still refer to him as a hunter repeatedly. The only thing they list is that he had purchased fishing and hunting licenses previously. If he made himself a pot of coffee in the morning would they call him a barista? Seems they have a bit of an agenda. That's not to say that dude shouldn't be tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail.
Look. I don’t care who you are. If that story is true, that is WRONG! As usual, hunters will be their own worst enemy. Not that I would really consider that type of guy a hunter.

I don’t see how someone can torture anything… Let’s say you really really hate wolves. Do you think that thing asked to be born a wolf? Does it even know it’s a wolf?

F that guy and anyone like him.

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You just really hope that karma comes around quickly.

I actually said the same thing a few post above yours. I don’t think an 8 foot fence is very ethical, but a 4 foot should absolutely do the trick on allowing deer in but wolves out.
Think of a dog on a backyard fence. They dig out.

The coyotes are through the fences without giving it a second thought.
Shoot some Citidiot's dog, you better make sure it doesn't get found on your property.