I thought I was doing this thread to warn and help you guys, but in doing so, maybe my brain got in-gear...might be an acceptable solution. Not what I really want to have to do, but could it work???
Yes I do know oust will kill fruit trees, I learned that the hard way Dave Jackson from Penn State is really the guy you need to talk to. He has been experimenting with mile a minute control and oust for a long time. As far as the air Blast sprayer, I guess it's actually called a mist blower. Mine is a cifarelli with a 4.5 gallon tank. It can get heavy lugging around in the woods but man does it cover a big area in a short time.I don't know anything about Oust. Would it harm crabs from soil activity?
Also never heard of an air blast sprayer. What is it?
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Okay, I'm willing to try a small test spray with gly. I'll stay clear of my more valuable trees and spray the more open areas.1 oz gly per gallon, give it a test plot try, say an acres worth and see what survives next year, you will be surprised how easy it is killed, and how the good stuff will bounce back.
lower left hand pic has a nice cluster of half ripe berries, blue in color. I have areas way worse than what your pictures show, and only one way to rid that much.
Thanks. Got any links to those threads?Re:fruit trees and herbicide
Like most issues we discuss, LickCreek has covered this well in his threads on growing trees
hard to go wrong by asking "what would Paul do?"
EDIT: I would love to know where to buy a pound of theese guys and let em go at my place.............
Thanks for the link Bill.Looks like they can be had from labs in NJ and DE. Don't know what the permit process is but it's worth a call or two if you have MAM like Tap does.
Thanks for the link Bill.
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NJ lab is all out of bugs, I will be trying to call and get on a waiting list for next year, they have had some toroubles raising them, cooling towers got messed up and low numbers available was the result. biologist was going to take a walk around my place and check for evidence of the weevils, they ahve been released within 8 miles of my stuff, and they could be there and I just don't know/ havent seenn them.
You guys get us driver that can explain why a truck full of old guys Is looking for beetles in the middle of night and I'm in.
If you have the rest, I'll handle the trooper. Sounds like fun. Lets go!
I'd love to see someone trying to explain that.....