Made it to the farm today

This looked kinda open to me.


Not any more! I left 1 red oak in the middle.

Didn’t plan on bedding, not enough small trees. I just made a 1/4 acre brush pile for the small critters. The deer can lay against it or walk around it.

Made a hole for sunlight to do its thing.

Nice barber chair :emoji_construction_worker::emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Hinge cut some of my road screen to see how that works out.



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Are you treating stumps or trying to keep tops alive?
Are you treating stumps or trying to keep tops alive?

Some tops live some die. Not treating anything, if they sprout it makes more of a mess going forward.
looks like you got to know a saw real well! What are those trees in your road screen? Them Hybrid poplars? I don't treat any of my cuts either. if they live fine, if they die, fine. The additional sunlight will allow something to grow one way or another.
looks like you got to know a saw real well! What are those trees in your road screen? Them Hybrid poplars? I don't treat any of my cuts either. if they live fine, if they die, fine. The additional sunlight will allow something to grow one way or another.

Hybrid willow. Most have multiple trunks because the deer ate them when they were small.
Update on the trespasser. This is the same guy I caught and filed on in 2016. Back then I was assured by the prosecutors office that they would handle it. I should have continued to follow up.

Today we visited the Sherrif to make statements and were told it goes to the prosecutors office for them to decide how to handle it. Having been down this road before we then went to his office next. He had to admit they dropped my case and just gave the guy a stern warning.

I told him that he was responsible for the continued trespassing by doing nothing, he had no choice but to agree.
I have a strong feeling this one isn’t getting dropped...
Good for you guys Bill. Sounds like he will be held accountable this time! Keep us posted
Thanks fruit tree guys for giving the courage to do this. Even if it doesn’t work nothings lost. this was girdled and the root stock sprouted, hasn’t ever bloomed. I took scions from a tree at the house that does nothing but make apples and immediately grafted them. Black tape and toilet ring wax heated.

I decided to try it high on three separate branches rather than a low stump cut. This way they are almost above browse height from the get go.


This is an old pear tree that did very little. I cut it last spring hoping it would stump sprout so I could graft to that. I thought it was a bust and stopped checking. Looked again today and it did finally sprout. I removed all but the best one.

I swore I’d never mess with fruit trees again. Now look at me.....
I swore I’d never mess with fruit trees again. Now look at me.....

Iv been saying that for years, and if this years plantings fail I mean IT!
I have a bunch of native crabapples that are old and not producing much any more. I am going to cut them down to see if they stump sprout and start the process over again. If they don't it's a win anyway because I am clearing a south facing hillside to return it to the native goat prairie it once was.
The grafting looks good, I do it the same way. Bet you will be pleasantly surprised. Good thing is that you’ve got time to redo if they don’t take.

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I need to learn grafting. Have persimmon from MDC and never did, thinking had to refrigerate sticks till sap flowed. If possible to take female bud and graft to male this time of year I would give it a try.
I need to learn grafting. Have persimmon from MDC and never did, thinking had to refrigerate sticks till sap flowed. If possible to take female bud and graft to male this time of year I would give it a try.

I figured the sap is going to start flowing any day now.
^^^ Nice job. Heavy rack.
I have a bunch of native crabapples that are old and not producing much any more. I am going to cut them down to see if they stump sprout and start the process over again. If they don't it's a win anyway because I am clearing a south facing hillside to return it to the native goat prairie it once was.

Ever thought of topworking some of those trees to bring in a new variety that might work better? I'll be trying that on my buddy's farm where he has hundreds of wild crabapples that only produce pea sized fruit. I figure there isn't much of a downside to giving that a shot.

Goat prairies are cool too though.
I have quite a few and will be trying both

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Looks great!