Made it to the farm today

Lots of small ones lately

Update on the brassica's

There all weedy but I think they'll do ok.

This field was tilled traditional and the brassica's are bit ahead of throw and mow but I think the TnM will catch up and be fine.

Foxtail is getting me here and don't have any cleth on hand so thier on there own.

Throw spray and mow here. (Next time I'm not mowing) I'm not so sure mowing is always my friend if the herbicide hasn't had enough time to get a good kill.

Pigweed is my problem here. That stuff is relentless. It's throwing seeds at 6 inches tall. Mush be its last stich effort to reproduce.

This Throw and grow is just a bit sparse but it may actually turn out OK. At this point what grows, grows it's a food plot not a magazine cover.

looks pretty good Bill, ya know how many seeds each head of foxtail makes? too many, be anightmare next year if ya let em go to seed. I took a breeze through my place today, all the rye, and turnips I planted 6 days ago is coming up, today was first without at least some rain there. looked at a 6 day pull on trail cams as well, lots of up and commers, nothing big to see yet. but dang they are loving the turnips, 7 deer in some shots, 6 in others, heck had one pic with 5 bucks in it.
Bill, so you sprayed, seeded and mowed the same day?
Bill, so you sprayed, seeded and mowed the same day?

No I waited 3 days to mow. Stuff was looking wilted but it was early August. I knew it was risky because sometimes things are not actively growing when it's hot and dry. It's one of the problems with not living on your land. Kinda have to do when you can not always when it's best.
looks pretty good Bill, ya know how many seeds each head of foxtail makes?

Found a partial container of cleth in the shop.. Sprayed that foxtail today..
Have you seen the long range forecast? We’re showing - high of 65 and a low of 51 for a week from Sunday. We had 95 again today. Can’t wait for some nice cool fall mornings. You I’ll probably be a few degrees cooler and maybe even see the 40s.
I very rarely mow anymore. Seed first. Fertilizer and spray next which also packs the seed in a bit with each pass. Always get a real good kill. Sometimes get a decent crop in my sand :emoji_wink:. I also like the standing dead stuff for cover and shade protection.
Have you seen the long range forecast? We’re showing - high of 65 and a low of 51 for a week from Sunday. We had 95 again today. Can’t wait for some nice cool fall mornings. You I’ll probably be a few degrees cooler and maybe even see the 40s.

I was supposed to pull out on Thursday to head home then I saw the weather. Thursday high of 91. Friday high of 70 low of 48. Sorry to my wife but no way I'm heading home. 20 degree dip says I have to take a few early season sits. I'll still just be poking at the edges but I'm going.
good luck bud, shoot straight!
Not a bad day but my best find was catching a guy trespassing and shed hunting on the neighbors place.

Neighbor is pissed and planning on pressing charges. I’ll be a happy whiteness any day!

What's it looking like up there? Any sign of green up?
What's it looking like up there? Any sign of green up?

Looking for sheds I noticed some fresh green shoots of grass here and there and my rye is starting to green up so it’s on the way..
Glad to hear you got out Bill. I’m heading out tomorrow if the rain holds long enough to put out my cameras and loosen my tree stand straps for the spring and summer. Hoping the floods don’t come too bad this spring in the Midwest.
2 matched sets? The set to the right looks for sure, but the chunky G2 could be a match but colors are off. Give an update sometime on the trespasser's fate. Our green-up is about the same. Some grass poking up and clover is starting to transform.
2 matched sets? The set to the right looks for sure, but the chunky G2 could be a match but colors are off. Give an update sometime on the trespasser's fate. Our green-up is about the same. Some grass poking up and clover is starting to transform.

Best I can tell there are two matched. One for sure, I know the deer and they were a foot apart.
Spring is coming. I know turtles are slow but this dude was lethargic. I thought he was dead but I poked him gently and he opened his one good eye. Should have stayed in the mud a bit longer.

Update on the trespasser. This is the same guy I caught and filed on in 2016. Back then I was assured by the prosecutors office that they would handle it. I should have continued to follow up.

Today we visited the Sherrif to make statements and were told it goes to the prosecutors office for them to decide how to handle it. Having been down this road before we then went to his office next. He had to admit they dropped my case and just gave the guy a stern warning.

I told him that he was responsible for the continued trespassing by doing nothing, he had no choice but to agree.
I have a strong feeling this one isn’t getting dropped...