Long term perennial mix

As for the nurse crop, 2 years might be overkill. Just plant it as you originally planned, and then overseed just the plants that you seem to be lacking as the plot matures. If it is sparse on burnet, add more. Need some more chicory, throw some down. 2 years of red clover and you might just have a red clover plot, it can be very aggressive on good soils in the right conditions.
I personally wouldn't add the red clover...unless a red clover plot is what you want long term.

Will do! No red clover!
I remember LC talked about a mixed white clover plot as being a good long-term " backbone " for deer plots. Following his advice, we put in a plot of about 1 acre that's a mix of Ladino, Alice white, Kopu II, Dutch white, Alsike and some Forage Feast chicory. It's thick and lush and the deer are hammering it.

I have no experience with small burnet. Are deer really attracted to it ?? Does it grow well in heavier clay-ish loam soil ?? Not fussy on pH ?? I read what Stu said in post #12 about it growing in good or not good soils. We have a few spots where we don't take the tractor & implements - too stony, shady, etc. Would burnet be a good choice for those places for long-term or does it need babied ??
I remember LC talked about a mixed white clover plot as being a good long-term " backbone " for deer plots. Following his advice, we put in a plot of about 1 acre that's a mix of Ladino, Alice white, Kopu II, Dutch white, Alsike and some Forage Feast chicory. It's thick and lush and the deer are hammering it.

I have no experience with small burnet. Are deer really attracted to it ?? Does it grow well in heavier clay-ish loam soil ?? Not fussy on pH ?? I read what Stu said in post #12 about it growing in good or not good soils. We have a few spots where we don't take the tractor & implements - too stony, shady, etc. Would burnet be a good choice for those places for long-term or does it need babied ??

I think the only thing is that it likes full sun. Other than that I think that it would fit your bill!