How would one buy land in a hurry, without having 200k in the bank?
I'm not sure what I'll do after I put that check in the mail. Any suggestions?
In my younger days a bonfire & party would be in order! Nowadays I enjoy marking personal or family occasions by planting a single tree of a unique species on the property in that year. The unique species part helps the nieces and nephews (births, graduations, etc) remember which one is "theirs". Kind of lame, but it adds a little meaning for me & gives the kids a connection to the land.
Congratulations SD - it must be a great feeling!
Just got word today that they are bumping up the payouts to July 1st. I cannot wait. This will be the first time in my life that I will be debt free (other than my share of the federal debt that is). I cannot wait. It's all a done deal already, just need to go through the motions. I want to see the receipts. I like the bonfire and unique tree idea. Very cool.
At 32, I'm getting to be an older millenial. But being debt free is something that is very rare for kids my age.
Debt free at any age might be a rare thing!Debt free in your 30's in today's world is indeed a rare thing...congratulations :)
Just got word today that they are bumping up the payouts to July 1st. I cannot wait. This will be the first time in my life that I will be debt free (other than my share of the federal debt that is). I cannot wait. It's all a done deal already, just need to go through the motions. I want to see the receipts. I like the bonfire and unique tree idea. Very cool.
At 32, I'm getting to be an older millenial. But being debt free is something that is very rare for kids my age.
I'm debt free today.....but sure wish I was in my twenties. Man.....interest rates at 2.5% ? :eek::confused: Wow!! I believe I'd be buying the biggest, best home I could afford. The trick with debt is to buy "things of lasting value". Real estate is worth being in debt. Toys?.....not so much. gotta have income to service the debt.
My buddy has some 28 year old boys that are debt free. The reason is, they have never left home, own nothing, not even a car, and they have no jobs. But the are debt free!
If it was my house..........:mad:
I hope you have a pile of Assets to go along with being Debt Free! Congrats!
I'm sitting pretty good today. I've busted my butt and stuck to the plan and principles since I graduated. It's been a lonely road though. Nobody in my family or social circle shared my enthusiasm for fiscal sanity. Lots of "what if u die tomorrow?" Stuff. My response was, "what if u don't?"
I'm not sorry for kicking butt. It was a ton of sacrifice, frugality, and self control. I've earned my spot at the table, hit my numbers, and now I can't share my victory with anyone cause they think I'm just a rich jerk that got lucky.
Perfectly said.I will say there's fine line between being driven to succeed and going overboard. IMHO the reason we are here is to share our lives with somebody who we love and who loves us back. Don't sacrifice so much in the name of fiscal conservatism that you miss out on the real reason we're here.
This will be the first time in my life that I will be debt free
I will say there's fine line between being driven to succeed and going overboard. IMHO the reason we are here is to share our lives with somebody who we love and who loves us back. Don't sacrifice so much in the name of fiscal conservatism that you miss out on the real reason we're here.
after seeing the poll on how many years you owned your land i thought i would bring this back to top and would like to hear more about your land ownership and how it came about.