Kerr Crab


5 year old buck +
Has anyone here tasted a Kerr Crab? On the USDA GRIN site they are described as "may be regarded as a large Dolgo but with a milder flavor" "juicy & sweet" "hangs past maturity" "Dolgo-Haralson cross". They seem to be the largest late season crab that I have found. Hopefully I'll find some scion wood for grafting next spring.

I haven't tasted one, but I planted one this year that I got from Cummins and I'll have a bit of scion wood if you'd like some.

Here's the description I cobbled together from various web sites for my notes:


Kerr Crab
(Bloom: Mid-Late; Ripen: Late September/Early October)

A cross of ‘Dolgo’ and ‘Haralson’, Kerr is one of the very best apple-crabs. Stores well, good fresh after a mellowing period, very productive. Originated with the Morden Research Station, Agriculture Canada, Manitoba, selected and tested as ‘Morden 352’, and introduced in 1952. The tree is moderately vigorous, broadly upright, round-headed, has strong wide-angled branches and is annually productive. It is hardy to Zone 2a, and moderately resistant to fire blight. The fruit is medium-size, 1.75” in diameter, oblong oblate, long stemmed, with shallow stem cavity and basin, and matures in late September to early October. The skin is creamy yellow, completely covered with crimson and later maroon, and covered with a medium bluish bloom. The flesh is yellow and tinged with red, very firm, very crisp, very juicy, somewhat tart but very sweet. It is very good for fresh eating (better with storage), excellent for cooking and canning, and superb for juicing. It has excellent storage capability for up to 27 weeks. The taste is really intense if picked on the young side, though it mellows somewhat it if given a couple extra days. It tastes somewhat like a ‘Haralson’, but it is extremely juicy.
Thanks for the scion wood offer L2L. I'd appreciate it if you have any to spare.
I might bite into one on Saturday. I also have scions if needed. My 2 Kerr trees have been excellent growers. These pics should all be the same tree I think. These fruit have real good size.

June 27:

July 19

August 30
Those trees look great Ed. I planted 4 of them this spring. A couple had blossoms this year and all are approaching 3' of growth. Hopefully I can get them through the winter in one piece. I did not think the apples would be that big. I may have to order a couple more.
Those are great looking trees Ed. When did you plant them?

Also, note in the description I posted the advice I gathered that the taste improves with some mellowing...
Your driving me Crazy.........Ed:D. Just finished wiping the drool of my keyboard after seeing that last pic of the Kerr Crabs.
Those are great looking trees Ed. When did you plant them?

Also, note in the description I posted the advice I gathered that the taste improves with some mellowing...

Planted in 2012, so this is the 3rd growing season on my farm. Both Kerr I received from Cummins were runts of the bunch.


2012 was also extreme drought!

April at planting:

July 21 during the drought
Here's what the other Kerr looked like. This one wasnt as bad but it was still pretty small compared to everything else that came in that year. This tree below is the one that fruited. The tiny one hasnt fruited yet.

Boy Ed, those Kerr look mighty good! I have 2 coming from Cummins on B-118 this coming spring. Shoulda got 'em this past spring and had 'em in the ground. Can't wait to plant them. I could kick myself for letting some "expert " nursery owner talk me out of them. ( it's not anyone on this forum or the dark side as you guys call it ). Lesson learned!
Has anyone here tasted a Kerr Crab? On the USDA GRIN site they are described as "may be regarded as a large Dolgo but with a milder flavor" "juicy & sweet" "hangs past maturity" "Dolgo-Haralson cross". They seem to be the largest late season crab that I have found. Hopefully I'll find some scion wood for grafting next spring.
have a kerr from cummins on second leaf.

I do have a 2 inch crab that drops late October into Nov. and it appears that I will have a fair amount of scion this year. No disease problems with Car/scab/ and some fb in the area. it is pretty much inedible for humans. Probably Colombia crab.

I have one of these trees that is bearing, two or three rootlings-grown from a piece of root. and about 2 grafted trees in 3rd leaf or so.

I would like to graft about 10 of these and then share whatever scion is available after that.
Kerr looks like a crab I need to add. What variety of Crabs that will survive zone 3b, have larger fruit and drop later in the year? I have Dolgo and will add Kerr to my list but I need a late dropping variety.

I'd be interested in some of that scion if any is available. Will have some Winter Wildlife Crab scion from my SLN tree if your interested.
Hey Grey - I've seen folks mention Winter Wildlife Crab from SLN before. I've not seen it in their catalog tho - only All-Winter-Hangover & Violi's Hanging Crab. How big does the fruit get on the WW crab? Drop time? I think I'm gonna order 2 Violi's from SLN, plus more Dolgo for the coming spring. Someone had pix & comments on Violi's on here & they look GOOD.
Hey Grey - I've seen folks mention Winter Wildlife Crab from SLN before. I've not seen it in their catalog tho - only All-Winter-Hangover & Violi's Hanging Crab. How big does the fruit get on the WW crab? Drop time? I think I'm gonna order 2 Violi's from SLN, plus more Dolgo for the coming spring. Someone had pix & comments on Violi's on here & they look GOOD.

The description of the All Winter Hangover crab pretty well matches the Winter Wildlife crab. They vary from end of finger to end of thumb size and some will hang on until spring. Reliable producer with little disease problems. Just took these pics today while on my walk.

Thanks Grey, for the info & pix. Tree looks good - leaves pretty clean. I think/hope next year will be the first fruiting year for our All-Winter-Hangover crab. It'll be the 3rd yr. in the ground.
Hey guys, I picked and ate a Kerr today. uber tart, I think I just picked it too early. I'll post a pic later when I get home but it had excellent size.
IMG_7495 bunches red.jpg
The description of the All Winter Hangover crab pretty well matches the Winter Wildlife crab. They vary from end of finger to end of thumb size and some will hang on until spring. Reliable producer with little disease problems. Just took these pics today while on my walk.


The description seems pretty close to what I have seen with Morse Bunches red crab. They hang in clusters and different trees have different apple sizes. Largest size is about 3/4 inch. I think Charlie grows them from seed and thus we get the variability. Some of my morse bunches were not hardy.

Screwed up post after editing, but bunches red is on the top of the post.
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What size crab can I expect from Violi's hanging crab? Any pictures?
Ed.. Is it safe to use black plastic on apple trees?? I thought apple trees would not do well with it.