2019 Scion wood exchange

I just received notification that my rootstock will be arriving today. This is exciting news but I don’t have scions yet.

Would someone mind sending me some scions? I am looking for late blossom and late fall drop for deer. Id appreciate what you could send me.

I would really like to get some late season crabs as well (30.06) type varieties.
Spur - I'll be pruning our trees next week at camp. I'll be sending you scions that you asked for the day I get back. In the meantime, keep your rootstocks set in damp peat moss or potting mix and store them in a cool dark place like an unheated or underheated garage.

I have you listed for 5 kinds of scions. Pete Kuhns and Charman are the other 2 guys I'm sending scions to.
Spur, I am right down the road from you in Elmira. I have lots of Liberty, some Goldrush and maybe a bit of Enterprise if you are interested. We could meet halfway in Chemung or something if you want any of those. Otherwise your rootstock will keep like Bowsnbucks said.
Just come on over and bring your pruners
I have a lot of wild crabapple seedlings that produced tiny berries that I would like to graft 2 . I've yet to plant any apple trees.. I have large existing trees that I released but don't know what they are.
If anybody has any extra scionwood I'd be willing to pay for as I don't have any trade off. Thanks