Winter Bench Grafting Experiment 2019


5 year old buck +
The Experiment:

Will extending the growing season by bench grafting apples indoors in the winter and starting them under lights advantage the trees over trees bench grafted as normal in the spring.


-Purchase rootstock early and keep it in the cold room.
-Start grafting in the 1st half of Jan.
-Place new grafted rootstock in 1 gal RB2s and put them in the cold room for a week or say to callus.
-Graft a control group at normal grafting time.
-Place them in 1 gal RB2s and in the cold room to callus.
-Move them outside when the last threat of frost has passed.
-Keep both sets on my deck together for the first growing season and plant in late summer and fall as time permits.


I planned to use scions provided by USDA GRIN. Unfortunately with the government shutdown, I'm not sure if they will arrive in the 1st half of Jan as expected. So, I went to the farm and collected scions from young trees that I've planted in previous years. If an when the GRIN scions come in, I will graft them. Depending on the timing, I may have three groups to compare. In previous years, I have grafted apple seedlings indoors that were grown in rootmakers. Grafting success was fair, probably largely due to poor grafting technique. I did not even bother to let the grafts callus before putting them under lights. I believe this was a mistake. In many cases, the root stock began to leaf out well before the scion. By keeping them in the cold room for a week or so, I hope to advantage the scions and get better overall grafting success

1/4" M111
More on the rootstock availability here:

GRIN Scions Ordered:
PI 588866 Kerr
PI 588870 Dolgo
PI 588909 Centennial
PI 613818 Wickson
PI 589425 Dasyealyx
PI 589768 GMAL 2369
PI 589777 PRI 1918-1
PI 589824 Jonsib Crab
PI 589976 GMAL 2892
PI 213405 Golden Hornet
PI 613941 Coop 41
PI 613990 KAZ 96 06-03

Scions Collected from my trees:
590198.04 - Coop 11
Virginia Crab (Hewes)

I have grafted a dozen rootstock so far most are whip and tongue but I used a grafting tool to wedge graft a few that fit the grafting tool well. I found I had better success with the grafting tool last year than W&T largely due to my poor skills. I'm hoping to improve on those skills this year.

I grafted 4 590198.04 - Coop 11 on 1/10/2019, all W&T. One with a grafting jig I made (, and the rest by hand.
I grafted 3 Virginia Crab (Hewes) and 1 BlackTwig on 1/11/2019, all W&T with no jig.
I grafted 4 BlackTwig on 11/12/2019, 2 W&T with no jig and 2 Wedge using the grafting tool.

More on the grafting tool I used here:
This thread has more on both the grafting tool and my previous experience grafting apple seedlings indoors:

I hope to update this thread as things progress.

