Just a Reminder ... be Safe!

Tree Spud

5 year old buck +
To all you habitat warriors out there ... had an experience today that reminded me shit happens.

Was walking in the 2nd floor of an old barn we have and have been over this area many times. Not the best structure but I was being careful. Stepped on on board and it cracked, tried to spin and I started dropping. Crashed thru all the floor boards before I knew it and landed looking upward on the point of my right hip. About a 10' drop and I just laid there trying to figure out what was happening, then what was broke, could I move?

Eventually got up, had feeling in all extremities, but was working on adrenaline. Hit my head pretty good, did not black out which was good, nothing broken that I could tell. As time goes more things hurt, big know of my head, and backside is begging for some real good pain killer, I'll settle for advil.

Remember, whatever you are doing, be safe ... if you are forcing something, slow down ... if you are tired, take a break ... if you are not sure, step back and re-evaluate.

As one of the jobsites I was on said ... "everyone home safe always ...!"

Are you on any blood thinners,Glad you your not hurt worse.It can happen in a second.My neighbor fell out of a ladder stand while taking down this spring and broke his back.luckily he could crawl to his truck where he left his cell phone.He called and I was able to get FD in to him as i was 30 miles away
Damn Spud,
Hope everything stays good. That could have been really bad.
Glad to hear you weren't hurt any worse. You are so right bad things can happen in a second, I know I get way to complacent working around the farm especially while cutting wood.
As a boy growing up on the farm I put a leg through the sketchy mow floor a couple times and am lucky I didn't tear something or get seriously hurt... have done the same through ice on lake in winter.
That's scary. Accidents happen in the blink of an eye. Hope you bounce back quickly. We were coming home from our family vaca in North MN and stayed at a motel in Tomah last night. My dad left the hot tub and forgot about a 3rd step coming down from the patio. He hit the cement real hard. I would've bet money he broke bones, but he apparently didn't and finished pulling a boat home early this morn. 72 and nails tough. One iron clad rule I try to abide by is to NEVER FALL. Only bad things happen when you fall. Heal up bro. Never fall, guys.
Thanks guys, things happened in a flash. Moving a bit slow today :emoji_grimacing:
Are you on any blood thinners,Glad you your not hurt worse.It can happen in a second.My neighbor fell out of a ladder stand while taking down this spring and broke his back.luckily he could crawl to his truck where he left his cell phone.He called and I was able to get FD in to him as i was 30 miles away

Blood thinners, I am not, why the question?
Accidents happen in the blink of an eye.
This ^. One-one thousand, two-one thousand...done.
This really is a good reminder thread...the things we all love to do in the places we all love to be can be extremely dangerous.
My recurring nightmare is rolling a tractor

Cause your friggin old Like the rest of us. :emoji_smiley:

You ain't lyin; hoever, to repeat a pick-up line I heard one ... I may not be as good as often as I once was, I am still as good once as I ever was :emoji_wink::emoji_grin:
Are you on any blood thinners,Glad you your not hurt worse.It can happen in a second.My neighbor fell out of a ladder stand while taking down this spring and broke his back.luckily he could crawl to his truck where he left his cell phone.He called and I was able to get FD in to him as i was 30 miles away

Blood thinners, I am not, why the question?

High risk of hematoma after something like that if you’re on blood thinners; especially hitting your head.

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