If you could pick one state to retire in

For me it would be Kentucky, southern Missouri, or Arkansas for those mild winters. But the wife wants none of that as she's deathly afraid of snakes.

The one advantage I see for Kentucky that no one has mentioned is the chance to get velvet bucks during their early season.
NY has lost it’s mind and it’s getting closer to me hitting F’it and only working 1 more year and moving away from all this. The Safe Act is only getting more devastating to us gun owners! It’s madness!

People don’t understand because you aren’t here living in the cesspool. Last summer I won a $600 Turkey gun in a local gun club raffle. I own lots of guns, the State knows I own a lot of guns, I’ve bought many new guns here and never had a problem. The only time I’ve been arrested was for getting into a fight when I was 22 years old, I was charged with disorderly conduct because the other guy didn’t want to press charges, which is comparable to a noise violation. So I’m clean, no DWI’s, no domestic disputes, no drug charges, I’m clean.

So I fill out the background check and he submits it, it goes 30 days and “times out with no response”. I told the gun shop owner to give me the gun, I did my part. He said he would resubmit it. Again it goes 30 days and “times out with no response” and he has the sac to tell me he won’t risk his license so he has to give cash value of the gun 😡 I don’t need the gun, but wanted it and at that point it’s about principle.

I’ve stewed on this for a few months now and since then we now have to pass a background check to buy ammo 😡 (see how they do it?) Last week I went to my County Clerks office to get some answers. VERY nice old lady is our Clerk, very sympathetic to my situation but has never heard of this happening. She made 3 calls in front of me, each one going higher up the Chain and all had no idea what I can do about it. She suggests I apply for a pistol permit so she can see what happens on her end and get me an answer. Which BTW if you want to buy a semiautomatic ANYTHING you NOW need a permit and the process is the same as a pistol permit. Professional photo, fingerprints at certain places, background check etc. The laws around pistol permits in NY are very restrictive. I dont want one, I mean I do, but don’t want the bull 💩 that goes with it so I’ve never bothered.

As a law abiding citizen my whole life, I can’t even buy a gun or ammo here anymore. That’s how screwed we are. I’ll state the obvious here, NONE of these laws stop criminals from getting guns. In fact when filling out the BG check, on the form it asks 3 different questions regarding illegal aliens status. I asked him about it and he said he’s sold several guns to different illegals, legally. How TF does someone from another country, possibly another continent, pass a BG check but I don’t even get a response?

Another example, a friend had issues with the mother of his children, he has custody. She would call CPS for kicks just to be a pain. CPS shows up with police every time so one officer saw a gun leaning against the wall in his bedroom, it was Deer season after all, it was NOT “secured in a safe” so he got a Felony for that. Since he saw the gun he had the legal right to search further. He found a 10 round magazine (I think) and we are only allowed max 7 round clip. He also found 2 AR’s that “weren’t NY compliant”. One had an illegal stock and I forget what the other was but he got 4 felonies that day! Kids were removed and temporarily sent to the mothers. In the end, the Family Court Judge moved permanent custody to the mother. The mother has no job, lives on the States dime 100%, been caught with a meth lab and was arrested for selling cocaine several times. This is why the father got custody to begin with amongst other things like child endangerment for driving drunk with the kids in the car. That is what a corrupt government looks like, it’s outright tyrannical!!

There are so many things I can tell you about NY that parallel the above like the law Holcum recently pushed through the courts. Because of the Covid bio weapon, if you are sick, the State can come into your house and drag you away to quarantine you! No BS, and I’ve seen videos of this happening although I don’t personally know anyone they have done this to yet.

Anyway, my Father recently passed away, it’s been a rough time dealing with everything but it’s all settled and between that and my assets I have an enough to start moving this plan along. I was trying to make it 25 years working for the State but I’ll be happy getting 20 and keeping my sanity so I only have a year left to plan this.

All good responses so thank you for that! I don’t mind snow, I don’t have to stay close to NY but since I can go anywhere, it’s got to have good deer management and good bucks. I’ve shot a lot of good bucks but never a Booner, never even seen one on the hoof, and I’d really like to.
Reading back through this thread there are some good options so thank you for that! Hoping some others will add more input.
Thank you for listening to that long ass rant! But more need to realize how bad things have gotten, and it’s not just here but if it can happen here…
I'm sorry for the loss of your dad. Hope you're all doing well.

Your post sure was frustrating to read. As you know, things are similarly bad here in IL. We recently passed the deadline to register our "assault weapons", and it was reported that roughly 1% of us complied, making the other 99 potential felons. Last I heard over 80 of our sheriffs said they would not be enforcing this unlawful ban.

Will be watching to see to where you'll relocate. Still a few good options out there. Heat and humidity would prevent me personally from choosing some of the best.
NY has lost it’s mind and it’s getting closer to me hitting F’it and only working 1 more year and moving away from all this. The Safe Act is only getting more devastating to us gun owners! It’s madness!

People don’t understand because you aren’t here living in the cesspool. Last summer I won a $600 Turkey gun in a local gun club raffle. I own lots of guns, the State knows I own a lot of guns, I’ve bought many new guns here and never had a problem. The only time I’ve been arrested was for getting into a fight when I was 22 years old, I was charged with disorderly conduct because the other guy didn’t want to press charges, which is comparable to a noise violation. So I’m clean, no DWI’s, no domestic disputes, no drug charges, I’m clean.

So I fill out the background check and he submits it, it goes 30 days and “times out with no response”. I told the gun shop owner to give me the gun, I did my part. He said he would resubmit it. Again it goes 30 days and “times out with no response” and he has the sac to tell me he won’t risk his license so he has to give cash value of the gun 😡 I don’t need the gun, but wanted it and at that point it’s about principle.

I’ve stewed on this for a few months now and since then we now have to pass a background check to buy ammo 😡 (see how they do it?) Last week I went to my County Clerks office to get some answers. VERY nice old lady is our Clerk, very sympathetic to my situation but has never heard of this happening. She made 3 calls in front of me, each one going higher up the Chain and all had no idea what I can do about it. She suggests I apply for a pistol permit so she can see what happens on her end and get me an answer. Which BTW if you want to buy a semiautomatic ANYTHING you NOW need a permit and the process is the same as a pistol permit. Professional photo, fingerprints at certain places, background check etc. The laws around pistol permits in NY are very restrictive. I dont want one, I mean I do, but don’t want the bull 💩 that goes with it so I’ve never bothered.

As a law abiding citizen my whole life, I can’t even buy a gun or ammo here anymore. That’s how screwed we are. I’ll state the obvious here, NONE of these laws stop criminals from getting guns. In fact when filling out the BG check, on the form it asks 3 different questions regarding illegal aliens status. I asked him about it and he said he’s sold several guns to different illegals, legally. How TF does someone from another country, possibly another continent, pass a BG check but I don’t even get a response?

Another example, a friend had issues with the mother of his children, he has custody. She would call CPS for kicks just to be a pain. CPS shows up with police every time so one officer saw a gun leaning against the wall in his bedroom, it was Deer season after all, it was NOT “secured in a safe” so he got a Felony for that. Since he saw the gun he had the legal right to search further. He found a 10 round magazine (I think) and we are only allowed max 7 round clip. He also found 2 AR’s that “weren’t NY compliant”. One had an illegal stock and I forget what the other was but he got 4 felonies that day! Kids were removed and temporarily sent to the mothers. In the end, the Family Court Judge moved permanent custody to the mother. The mother has no job, lives on the States dime 100%, been caught with a meth lab and was arrested for selling cocaine several times. This is why the father got custody to begin with amongst other things like child endangerment for driving drunk with the kids in the car. That is what a corrupt government looks like, it’s outright tyrannical!!

There are so many things I can tell you about NY that parallel the above like the law Holcum recently pushed through the courts. Because of the Covid bio weapon, if you are sick, the State can come into your house and drag you away to quarantine you! No BS, and I’ve seen videos of this happening although I don’t personally know anyone they have done this to yet.

Anyway, my Father recently passed away, it’s been a rough time dealing with everything but it’s all settled and between that and my assets I have an enough to start moving this plan along. I was trying to make it 25 years working for the State but I’ll be happy getting 20 and keeping my sanity so I only have a year left to plan this.

All good responses so thank you for that! I don’t mind snow, I don’t have to stay close to NY but since I can go anywhere, it’s got to have good deer management and good bucks. I’ve shot a lot of good bucks but never a Booner, never even seen one on the hoof, and I’d really like to.
Reading back through this thread there are some good options so thank you for that! Hoping some others will add more input.
Thank you for listening to that long ass rant! But more need to realize how bad things have gotten, and it’s not just here but if it can happen here…
Sorry about your dad. Sucks you live in such a screwed up state. Suck we have such a screwed up state. Shouldn't be allowed to happen in our country.
Yea. I couldn't do it. NY, IL, CA and the usual suspects aren't for me!
I'm sorry to hear the loss of your Dad TT. I echo the other guys concerns here. Seems the whole north country (especially big cities) is changing to one extent or the other. MN political climate really sucks. I am now a resident of AZ and spend some summers in MN to escape the OZ heat in summer....and keep in touch with our family. Maybe Tennessee or Kentucky or Missouri fit your needs? You might love the freedom of So Dakota.....and I'd bet Kansas would be a likewise good place to live. The USA is in a state of transition.....getting worse fast.....and that is a fact.
Sorry about your pops. That’s a bummer.
With that said go “south young man”. I’m sick of transplants moving to Tennessee but someone like you is needed to balance out the Californians. I truly have never thought or worried about guns or Covid or government overreach or whatever else goes on up there here. I see people talk about mental issues from Covid and staying in not being able to see anyone and I’m like what in the hell are y’all doing. Our lives never changed. We worked, we hung out, we went shopping…I digress. Sometime the grass really is greener.
Wife Anne and I chose northern New York. We feel it is the land of pretty. Being retired with minimum income our income tax is low to zero. We do pay lots in property taxes but we have a lot of property and we can cover it so far. We like Lake Ontario and everything that goes with it such as beautiful uncrowded beaches and state parks, excellent fishing for warm and cold water species, good enough hunting, maybe great by some standards, excellent soils and plenty of water for gardening and food plotting, and some of the people here are really great to know. We also enjoy relatively short distance trips to Lake George and the Adirondacks. Winter can get long but we can leave whenever we want when there is a weather break; coming home in the winter is a crap shoot but we have always made it so far. And a day snowmobiling or snowshoeing thru the many managed trails in the area can be a day as close to heaven as anywhere. And we get some really cool lighting for outdoor photography. The picture shown of part of our yard while quite an ordinary non-descript yard becomes quite a spectacular sight when the light is right. So despite a corrupt and out of touch government we are happy to be here.
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Where are you at Chainsaw?
TT , Wisconsin is the place to be. We need more common sense in rural Wis to offset the craziness spewing from Madison and Milwaukee. Good deer hunting, good people, beautiful landscape in much of the state.
TT , Wisconsin is the place to be. We need more common sense in rural Wis to offset the craziness spewing from Madison and Milwaukee. Good deer hunting, good people, beautiful landscape in much of the state.
I agree with you there, and sadly IL is the same way. We are a red state at the mercy of Cook County. We have a few nice geographic features top to bottom, and good sunsets, but obviously not as beautiful overall as the Great Lake states. Despite what everyone hears, we still have solid deer hunting in most the state.
I agree with you there, and sadly IL is the same way. We are a red state at the mercy of Cook County. We have a few nice geographic features top to bottom, and good sunsets, but obviously not as beautiful overall as the Great Lake states. Despite what everyone hears, we still have solid deer hunting in most the state.
West side of Illinois is a great place to be. From north to south. South West is GREAT deer hunting I'm told.
Don't write off northern MO. But the personal prop taxes do suck. $100 gets me from Kirksville, MO to Chicago international. From there anywhere you want to go. Even keep a camp on a N.Y. Lake If you want.

The south is getting crowded. I sold my place in SW Florida a few years ago but come down every winter for a week or two. Down here now and we don't think we're coming back. Took an hour to get where it used to take 20 minutes in season today. Nucking Futs down here.... guess that's what happens when you're the free state of Florida or Texas
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Hate to be a Debbie Downer.....but I fear much of the way of life we all grew up with is going away before long (all too quickly in any event). The huge city populations are not on the same page most of us are. We are outnumbered and "they" vote.

Just have a look at European courntries. I'm told in Germany you cannot get a license to hunt unless you have some land (or a hunt club) to hunt on. All kinds of regulations.....and expensive. High regulations in most of the world. The USA's population growth (and that of the world) is going to change things in a big way. Little doubt. The best times and much of our "freedom" seem to be behind us.....IMO. It's all been incremental....and now faster and faster. Hope I am wrong.....for our kids sake. Sad state of affairs.

This oughta put me on some list in Washington. grin.
Thank you all for the replies, and the condolences. 2023 was an all around rough year but I’m staying positive and looking forward to 2024 through a different lens.
I have looked at Illinois but can’t do another Liberal State. MO I haven’t looked into much yet, but will definitely consider it Bill so thank you for mentioning it. Wisconsin is a bit cold, I don’t mind snow but y’all have Canada kind of cold! Big buck though for sure.
I have a year so I’ll do a bunch more digging before I start shopping. I’m very grateful for the responses! It’s hard to really get a grasp of (freedoms first) kind of places without hearing from someone that’s there. I talk to people in different states and when I say I’m in NY they seem to have a completely different view of NY. They speak of it like our lifestyle are still in the 80’s when I could buy guns through a newspaper like you buy a vacuum cleaner. No government involvement and gun wise the only firearm regulated thing was fully automatic guns and pistols. Back then you HAD to open carry a pistol, concealed was a different permit. Today you HAVE to conceal carry and a Sheriff told the group at my daughters Hunter Safety class, if you were at Walmart at reached on the top shelf and someone saw your pistol, the can call the police and you will be detained and questioned. It’s so F’D here, this is the reason I don’t have a pistol permit. I work at a State College, if someone tells me to refer to them as they/them, I have to, and not doing so is sent to HR.. HR is still wearing masks.. the professors that are still wearing masks look at me like I’m a virus super spreader 🤡 everything is awkward and it’s not an environment conducive to my personality, I was raised with manners so everyone is sir or ma’am and struggle to keep my mouth shut so that’s a ticking time bomb😂 these people are morally and ethically ruined, they aren’t coming back. The drug deaths have tripled in my area and theft in general is just the new normal I guess, we have a homeless camp that went from a handful 10 years ago to over 60 today checking into the shelters. “Migrants” is a whole other f’d up topic and I’ve rambled too long already hahaa but from my perspective, it HAS to be intentional. You can’t turn a whole state into a shithole this fast without it being the goal all along. I simply can’t fathom they are just that incompetent.

I was born here and lived all but 4 years of my life here, I’m 51, this used to be such a great place where everyone respected each other for every aspect of life. People helped each other out, people were nice, it is not the same, and by no metric I can think of has life gotten better for anyone.

Thank you all for the comments and listening to my rants 😂 you guys rock!
I would still pick right where I am, stupid taxes and all.

We are just about to build our retirement home in the next year or so we are here to stay. Absolutely love the area, decent duck hunting and plenty of other wildlife.
We plan on traveling a lot so shouldn't get to bored with things. Will be spending a month or so every winter down in the Keys.