I'm in Okeechobee. Graduated college in 1991 from Purdue. My parents died when I was 20, and I had a hard time taking college seriously. I got out and became a cop. I also started a business. I worked my lawn / landscape business all day, then worked 2nd shift at the PD. Made enough money landscaping to bank my payroll and the wife's for many years, until I sold the business after it became too big for a full time cop to manage. She also just retired after 31 years as a dental hygienist. When we saved enough cash to put a down payment on a farm we would and at the prices in the 90s, cash rent would pay the note. Kept flipping farms, doing 1031s, being a cop for 32 years, investing heavily in the market, etc. I retired with a descent pension, and a nice nest egg at 55, wife is 54.