I must be wearing her down

I carry everywhere the law allows (whether the bulding owner likes it or not), and figured a breakdown would be my biggest risk of piracy, not my hotel stay at a $70/night place. I even asked the staff at Cabela's where was not too spendy or sleezy - they suggested the Quality Inn I went to.

As promised, some better pics:

Quick attach bucket, you'll like that. I think you'll like to exhaust not out the top like the other one you had.
I could've gone either way on the SSQA vs JD QC vs Global - although the global mounting brackets on attachments are massive (which means more costly in materials to make them).

Side exhaust was on the short list of changes had I kept the other one. It'd catch branches and keep you from reaching them before they cammed around the stack and smack you in the face.