I must be wearing her down

Jim Timber

5 year old buck +
The Mrs. just gave me permission to buy a tractor - and then questioned if it was going to be big enough. :eek:

I guess I chose the right woman. :D
Good for you. What do you have in mind color and size wise? I just bought one a month ago and did a lot of research. I could share some of my findings if you like.
I found a used one I'm going to refrain from mentioning until I seal the deal. :)
I've been holding off on a tractor waiting to see how my finances shake out this winter. We'd just discussed that a week or two ago when I was mentioning some of the year end deals are 0% for 7 years. I've also wanted to wait until I have somewhere to park it inside. Figuring I should have my trapping shack at least usable by next fall - that made me lean towards waiting. I didn't think now was the right time.

But then I stumbled upon one that could change all that. I ran through the decision factors involved and asked what she thought? Her reply was "she grew up in the city and doesn't weigh in on our equipment decisions." IOW: I'm free to do as I choose in this department. :D

She's a good woman. She's supported all my ventures over the years when she knew I had a viable game plan (she has objected to a few off the cuff ideas now and then :D ). She also knows I've been mulling this decision over for several years, so I can see why she'd be concerned it wasn't enough machine when one of my discussion points was that it's smaller than I'd need to lift logs with.

I've gotten some "stupid good" deals in the past on my metalworking machines, and this tractor could be next on that list. We'll find out in a few hours. :crossing fingers:
Good luck & you know we'll need pictures. :)
No dice. Someone beat me to it. :(

It was a Deere 850 for a grand with a rod knock.

What I really want is a 5055E with FEL.
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Have you checked Tractor House. They list several.
Finding the tractor I want is easy. Finding the money to buy it is my hang up. ;)
Finding the tractor I want is easy. Finding the money to buy it is my hang up. ;)
Yep I know the feeling. I took advantage of the financing they offered. I took the free loader in place of the 0% but still got a rate lower than any bank.
If next year plays out like 2014 has, I'll be taking delivery in the fall. I'm just not comfortable making any payments right now. I'm risk averse when it comes to long term liabilities these days.

So debt averse became "holy crap it's exactly the one I want and those payments are reasonably affordable." :D

My 512 loader needs to come from Deere and we won't know when that'll likely show up until Monday, but the order was placed. 73" bucket

The tractor is a 2013 5045e with 60 hours. Manual tranny, rear hydraulic ports, mfwd. Should be able to turn the pump up to get 55hp out of it (same exact engine as the 5055e), but she's 45hp as delivered.
It's got like 15" of ground clearance. Not a big tractor by any standard, but certainly not little. :p

They've been a solid performer from everyone I've talked to.
Congrats. I'm sure you'll like it.
Congrats Jim, you will enjoy the tractor.
Aside from looking like a total idiot trying to get used to the ass-backwards shift pattern, I already enjoyed it. :D

Now how do we break into Foggy's shed to get that stump grinder? Oh yeah, I don't need one - I have 3,000# of breakout force and can pluck stumps. :p Root rake grapple will be one of the first accessories I make.
If I end up going that route, I'll build one.
I'd been thinking of rigging up a self propelled one using a little 1.8L Honda car engine and a bigger flywheel than the Vermeer pro ones use. Now I've gotta figure out how much torque I have off the PTO. I figure an automotive differential should work for a right angle gear box.
Congrats JT! Looks like an awesome machine!!
Thanks! :)
Oh, and we're getting a shipping container to park it in too. :D