5 year old buck +
Some of this years new cuttings before being planted. The dog is saying “don’t you have enough, already?”
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what a great lookin dog!
Some of this years new cuttings before being planted. The dog is saying “don’t you have enough, already?”
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I soak mine in water also but usually for about 2 days.
Wow!!! Realy? How did you arrive at that length? Interested in understanding ... undertood you could over soak.
How about bareroot trees?
Mine are tiny in diameter compared to those. Most were smaller than a pencil. Could that have been an issue as well
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Mine are tiny in diameter compared to those. Most were smaller than a pencil. Could that have been an issue as well
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I am wondering if the cutting are that small in diameter, maybe there is not enough energy in them to support root development?
Did you pull any out to see what type of root development occured?
The Austree willows I've purchased had instructions to keep them in a bucket of water until they start rooting. When the roots are 1/4" it's time to plant them. I believe that takes a week to 10 days. I will say that once they start rooting they'll go from 1/4" to 1" in a matter of a day. When the're an inch or more they break off the cutting real easy, that's why you want to plant them as they are just starting to push there roots. I've had excellent results following those instructions. I've had good results planting them in standing water without pre soaking them but I've lost ones when its rained to the point of them being under water before they could grow above the standing water they were in.
They majority of the cuttings I've lost have been due to being girdled by rabbits/mice.
Although you also need to make sure you can keep sunlight reaching the cutting for the first year. After that it should have no problem growing faster than any of the surrounding vegetation.
I pulled a couple a few days ago and they looked no different than when I put them in the ground, just looked like sticks. I will try to get some pics of them today and post.
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Just took this larger cutting today. Will soak for 2 days then stick in the ground. Sometimes they die back post dormancy but willows are tough. If they have soil moisture and are properly hydrated from time of cut to plant they will be just fine.
Just took this larger cutting today. Will soak for 2 days then stick in the ground. Sometimes they die back post dormancy but willows are tough. If they have soil moisture and are properly hydrated from time of cut to plant they will be just fine.
I will post updates on this feller! Cut it today at the cabin on the Mississippi
That reminds me of the young bull and old bull standing on a hill joke.I would make about twenty cuttings out of that rascal!
Vic- I have had some look like that. Not sure but I am guessing it has froze and or moisture issues.
H20 i have an unlimited supply of numerous willow species including hybrids. I am just trying some experimenting with timing and size. Planted into the edges of a marsh. The one thing that isn’t going to help this one out is we dipped to 24 degrees this morning!