How Big is Your Average Mature Deer - B&C?

This is on the lower end for a mature buck in my area.


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Those are as close as it gets to broadside pics. Keep in mind that our East Texas deer are the medium sized deer in Texas, not like the large bucks on the border of TX/OK or S TX. We also had a severe drought this year, and in fact are still suffering from it. Our does were skinny as hell, but are now putting on weight as they are no longer suckling fawns. Unfortunately, the coyotes caught most of the fawns, but that’s another story.

Edit to say after looking at the top pic I’m not sure tha’s him.

First one looks like 2.5 but it’s body is elongated.

The second one looks like 3.5 but the body is fairly compacted in that pose.

In short. 2.5-3.5

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This was a fun question to consider. A review camera data shows shows that bucks 2.5 and older on our properties are as follows:
NW Missouri: Average, 115, Largest, 150s (seven year average estimate)
- 85 acre farm - 30 miles NE of Kansas City metro, ag with lots of housing, many "McMansions" in the area.
Western Missouri Ozark Property: Average, 110, Largest 130s (ten year for average)
- 13 acre "forest island" surrounded by pasture, near Stockton Lake Corp Property
Southern Missouri Ozark Property: Average, 115, Largest 140 (two year average)
- 40 acre property surrounded by thousands of acres of pubic and pasture land. No crop farming.

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Here is a deer that was killed on my place this year. Off a video of the shot. Dont have another pic. What is your guess. I have aged off tooth wear
