Honey Bees

You can see a little capped honey but mostly uncapped. They have filled 1/2 a super in 10 days. Figure on adding a 2nd super June 1. My new hive hasn’t done hardly anything with their super.
Had this lil guy visit my cabin last night. He destroyed my bird feeders but I doubt he busted through my compound to get at my hives. Guess the birds get to fend for them selves for a few weeks as I don’t want him hanging around. 932A9DFE-C76D-4F8D-B356-764E1E3EBE8D.jpeg
I wonder if any of the early presidents kept hives, I know they used to run sheep on the Whitehouse lawn.
You can see a little capped honey but mostly uncapped. They have filled 1/2 a super in 10 days. Figure on adding a 2nd super June 1. My new hive hasn’t done hardly anything with their super.
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Dang that is about as pretty as it gets! Fresh comb and honey!! Do you run foundationless frames?
I have some foundation less frames in the new hive. However everything I buy has foundation.
Got the first two hives put in today




^^^^ great stuff

and thank you,Peeps for starting this thread

The bees in my current hive are going full throttle. I wanted to open them up and pull some frames to look at tonight but I was in them only a few days ago. I figure they are pretty well filled up on existing comb in just a single deep. Probably about ready to add the 2nd deep. My Honeysuckle looks like it will be blooming next week. Bees going into the hive the last couple of days have been packin a lot of pollen. Kind of humorous there was a smaller bee at the hive entrance that kept on flying into the incoming bees, hard enough to dislodge the pollen off a couple of them. Reminded me of a kid running to the door when you coming walking in with a bag of groceries in each hand. If they werent packing pollen I would have though maybe they were robber bees the way that little bee was acting. I have a hive top feeder inside an empty shallow super on top of the deep super. Peaked in there tonight and you couldn't get another bee crammed into the "donut" lined up waiting their turn at the syrup.
Had a swarm that got in a hive on some old comb. Moved them over to my farm for a few months - away from my bee yard. Decided I would clean out the old comb in the empty bottom hive body and give them a super with some frames. I thought it would be a quick in and out. I did have on a bee jacket and blue jeans. I had to leave it with them. Probably got thirty stings through my pants. Went home and got some heavy pants and the smoker. When I came back and smoked them, it was like a different hive.
Only time I had an issue was when I forgot my smoker and decided to work the hive anyway. They were pissed.
Their little personalities can be dramatically different from colony to colony depending on the queen

Sometimes her majesty is a Jezebel........

I have a shipment of 2 packages of bees on their way now, should be here tomorrow. My order got pushed back due to weather. I have put a ton of time into getting things ready for their arrival... all Im saying is they better be the coolest things since sliced bread. I'm kind of looking forward to experience.
Just wait and see,Cavey

Get back with us on that!!

The bees are in, and it was a pretty awesome thing... They seemed to be very happy to get out of their little travel boxes. I will post some pics later. 20,000 bees and no stings.
Had a package of bees show up today for my 2nd hive, took longer to arrive than I thought they should have. Only a single layer of dead bees on the bottom of the cage though. Hope to get them installed in the morning weather permitting. My bees are really sucking down the syrup, 2 quarts in 2 days! Flight weather was poor yesterday so I guess the bees stayed home and hung out at the "bar".:emoji_smile:
Got the package of bees installed today without any complications. Hopefully they take off as well as my first hive. Put a frame into the new hive that had some capped brood, larvae and syrup in it from my existing hive that should give them a little head start.
Super is almost completely full. Need to get another on there. Do I pull the one off my other hive that have made 1/4 frame of comb or just buy another to stack on
I would buy another. If the other hive has it 1/4 full - they need the room.
It’s not a 1/4 full. It’s 1/4 of a frame that they built some comb. They haven’t done anything in the super which is crazy cause the 2 deep was full of honey and brood last time I went clear through it. They were swarmed up around the entrance when I pulled up today like I have never seen.1FD704FF-7527-42F9-BDFE-025318C4CC0F.jpeg